Planned Parenthood Facts
Planned Parenthood's Plan for YOU
Step One: Provide poor quality, faulty birth control. In its February 2005 issue of Consumer Reports, the non-profit Consumers Union ranked two of Planned Parenthood’s condom lines the lowest out of all the brands that they tested.
Step Two: Encourage daily hormonal treatment. Planned Parenthood encourages girls to begin a daily regimen of hormonal birth control, and they placate fears about side effects by saying that modern hormonal contraceptives are safer than earlier iterations because they contain smaller amounts of hormones, even though there are still dangerous side effects. Should something go wrong though, they’ll then offer you those same hormones in massive doses (the “morning after pill” or ella, which can cause early abortions), claim it’s perfectly safe, and hope you won’t notice they’re contradicting themselves.
Step Three: Offer deceptive counseling and biased information. If things didn’t go so well with the condoms and birth control, and pregnancy does occur, Planned Parenthood offers “options counseling” to help decide a course of action - but their mind is already made up. Dozens of former employees have blown the whistle on the unscrupulous nature of Planned Parenthood’s “options counseling,” acknowledging that it was used to steer women towards abortion (which they profit from) instead of adoption or parenting (which they don’t get paid for). In 2021-2022, Planned Parenthood committed 228 abortions for every one adoption referral.
Plan $$$: Money, money, money. According to the Guttmacher Institute (Planned Parenthood’s research arm), the median cost of an abortion is between $508-$535. Planned Parenthood makes more than $2.05 billion in annual revenue. For years, Planned Parenthood officials, staff, and surrogates have repeatedly promoted false information about the services they offer (falsely claiming they provide mammograms, etc) and the uniqueness of their work to convince politicians to give them $699.3 million in taxpayer funding just in the 2022-2023 fiscal year alone. However, everything Planned Parenthood sells and provides (except abortion) can be found within the nationwide network of Federally Qualified Health Centers at universally lower prices.
*All figures taken from Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s 2022-2023 Annual Report.
Get Real Help
There are more than 17,000 better options for health care and/or pregnancy support across America. These include Federally Qualified Health Centers (which do everything and more than Planned Parenthood, minus abortion) and pregnancy help organizations that provide free pregnancy tests, confidential counseling, free ultrasounds, parenting classes, and material support for young mothers and couples. Some are even full-fledged medical centers. Go here to locate one of these centers: or call them at 1-800-712-HELP.
America’s Largest Abortion Vendor By the Numbers
- 46% of abortions are committed on women younger than 25.
- 97.1% of Planned Parenthood’s pregnancy “services” were abortions in 2021-2022.
- 1,076 abortions are committed by Planned Parenthood every day. And that’s keeping in mind that there is no National Abortion Reporting Law, meaning many states do not release or track their abortion data.
- 392,715 abortions were committed by Planned Parenthood facilities in 2021-2022, their largest annual total ever, more than any other entity.
- $2.05 billion is the amount of revenue Planned Parenthood made in 2022-2023.
- $699.3 million is the total taxpayer dollars Planned Parenthood received in the 2022-2023 fiscal year.
Planned Parenthood Targets Minorities
Minority populations are disproportionately victimized by abortion according to their population size in the United States. The Guttmacher Institute reports that minorities account for 62% of all abortions in the United States.
The Life Issues Institute reports that Planned Parenthood is targeting women of color with their new mega abortion facilities. They found that 88% of their new mega facilities are within walking distance of minority neighborhoods.
Planned Parenthood Sells Baby Body Parts
Since 2014, David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt have been battling Planned Parenthood in the courts for their undercover video work that exposed the industry for harvesting and trafficking aborted baby body parts. In the fall of 2019, StemExpress admitted to selling these parts, along with beating hearts and intact heads.
America’s longest-practicing abortionist testified that he saw plenty of evidence that Planned Parenthood had to be altering abortion practices, including delivering babies alive and dissecting them, in order to supply researchers with the most profitable organs. Planned Parenthood, during the span of months in the courtroom, never refuted any of this.
Articles about the case: