Sample Questions & Answers
- Human Development
- Abortion
- The Abortion Industry
- The Abortion Industry Overview
- Planned Parenthood Facts
- Planned Parenthood Racism
- Roe v. Wade
- Legal Analysis of Doe v. Bolton
- Women Killed by Legal Abortion
- Today’s Abortionists
- Why We Don’t Need Planned Parenthood
- A “Right” to Abortion?
- David Daleiden & the Undercover Videos
- Evidence of Planned Parenthood Targeting Minorities
- How to Defend Your Stance
- Consciousness
- Why Should You Care?
- The Basics: Talking About Abortion
- Abortion & Social Justice
- What About Rape?
- Life & Health of the Mother
- “My Body, My Choice”
- For Pro-Life Men
- Fetal Abnormality
- Right to Refuse
- Animal Rights
- Abortion and Overpopulation
- You’re Not Really “Pro-Life” If…
- Sample Questions & Answers
- Videos & Further Reading
- Birth Control
- Abortion Alternatives
- Other Life Issues
- Term Paper Topics
Pro-life advocates should be prepared to discuss a wide variety of abortion topics. You may not have a definitive, prepared answer for every little scenario a pro-abortion person challenges you with – and that’s okay. If the question-asker is genuine in wanting to know your take, you can explore the topic together. Below are some miscellaneous, occasionally unusual, questions and answers about abortion that our team and students have encountered.
Absolutely. Fundamentally, abortion is not a political or even a religious issue. It’s a human rights issue. Every single person, regardless of their background, has a seat at the table. Anyone can acknowledge that all human beings deserve human rights. Even the Students for Life of America team is diverse in political leanings.
One of the tragedies of modern-day politics is that the Democratic platform has moved from “safe, legal, and rare” to “abortions up to birth are fine and maybe infanticide is okay, also.” They’ve made it exceedingly clear that pro-life Democrats are no longer welcome in the party. That eliminates the voices of thousands of pro-life Democratic voters.
At the end of the day, if you believe abortion is wrong, we’re on the same team.
Our generation is a bit macabre. Jokes and memes about not wanting to be alive have become disturbingly commonplace. Regardless of whether it’s a fleeting trend or fallout from a depression/anxiety epidemic, this dark view of abortion doesn’t track. A person who suggests that abortion is fine (or even good) because the world is terrible and life is meaningless is likely dealing with some mental health challenges like depression, anxiety, PTSD, or any number of other conditions.
Even if, hypothetically, the person is in good mental health and truly holds this position, it’s not right for one person to make a categorization of the human condition and impose it on everyone. With the right to life comes each individual’s opportunity to make that assessment for themselves.
The most fundamental response to this is that pregnancy is not a disease. The web definition of healthcare is: The maintenance or improvement of health via the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, recovery, or cure of disease, illness, injury, and other physical and mental impairments in people.
Healthcare professionals treat diseases and ailments that attack a healthy human body. A human child is not a disease, and a pregnancy is not an ailment to the female body. A pregnancy is a natural consequence of a natural human action: sex.
Abortions can often add risk or harm to a woman’s body. Having an abortion causes increased risk for health issues for the mother that were not present before. There are risks such as depression, cervical lacerations, future infertility, infection, and even death.
George Tiller was a late-term abortionist in Kansas who was killed by Scott Roeder in 2009. Roeder confessed to the murder, saying, “Preborn children’s lives were in imminent danger.”
The pro-life movement does NOT condone the actions of Scott Roeder, or any other violence towards abortionists, abortion facilities, or abortion supporters. Anyone who premeditates a murder is mentally unsound, and violence from either side deserves only condemnation.
The answer to this one ruffles feathers on both sides. There are pro-lifers who say yes, and pro-lifers who say no. Students for Life of America is in the “yes” camp. Here’s why…
Is it a bad thing to address all human life issues? Absolutely not. But we should not stand for it when anyone tells us that we aren’t allowed to be anti-abortion. In all of human history, when has it ever been wrong to be anti-a-bad-thing? There were anti-slavery groups. Anti-genocide efforts. Anti-human trafficking organizations. Our movement is no different. The more we allow others to muddy the pro-life waters, forcing us to address every injustice in existence, the less effective we are at abolishing abortion.
We believe in callings. Everyone has a unique calling; something they’re passionate about and want to do to make a difference in the world. It’s time for our culture to stop attacking those who feel called to abolish the human rights violation of abortion, suggesting that they have to spread themselves thin with other (worthy) causes. If we try to do everything, nothing will be given the attention it deserves. The people who feel called to end homelessness should absolutely pursue it – with 100% support from us. Same for poverty, hunger, human trafficking, etc.
Every human rights cause needs activists with convictions. Don’t let people undermine yours.
“My science says otherwise.” Relativity is a dangerous thing. It’s more or less the notion that we’re all walking around in our own little bubbles, each of which have their own sets of values, facts, and philosophies. All of which are correct, somehow, simultaneously.
There is no “your” science and “my” science. There is only science. And science is very clear that the biological lives of organisms begin at fertilization. Even the world’s most intelligent abortion supporters don’t refute this fact, opting instead to argue why this living human does not deserve human rights from legal or philosophical perspectives.
Yes, that’s what their annual report says. It’s actually 4% now, as of the latest report. But, how does Planned Parenthood get this number year after year? By service bundling.
The 4% number only works if they are talking about abortion in relation to ALL Planned Parenthood’s services each year. A woman going in for an abortion gets several services (pregnancy test, ultrasound, counseling, contraceptives, etc). Here’s how it breaks down:
- 96% of “services” to pregnant Planned Parenthood clients were abortion.
- This number arises when we calculate abortion in relation to the total services that can be offered to a pregnant woman. (Pregnancy services are abortion, prenatal services, and adoption referrals.)
- We see there is a clear bias if 96% of their pregnancy services are abortions. That means 24 out of 25 pregnant women who walk into Planned Parenthood leave without their child. Sadly, this percentage keeps rising each year.
- (9,798 + 4,279 + 345,672 = 359,749 –> 345,672 / 359,749 = 0.96 –> 96%)
Do you have a question about abortion OR something to add to our list? Reach out! Email Brenna at [email protected].
Do you have a question about abortion OR something to add to our list? Reach out! Email Brenna at [email protected].