Women Killed by Legal Abortion

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), since 1973, there have been 506 reported maternal deaths from abortions, with 437 of those deaths caused by legal abortion. This does not account for the states that do not report to the CDC, including California, which accounts for 15.4% of the nation’s abortions (see source here).

Did Roe Help These Women?

Abortion suppporters claim that abortion is needed to save women’s lives. But how did Roe help Jennifer, Karnamaya, Tonya, Marla and so many more women like them?

Jennifer Morbelli was killed by LeRoy Carhart in an attempted abortion 33 weeks into her pregnancy.(1) While doctors at the hospital tried to figure out what was wrong, Carhart was hundreds of miles away, committing abortions in another state.

Karnamaya Mongar was killed by Kermit Gosnell in 2009 in his “House of Horrors.” (2)

Tonya Reaves was left alone while bleeding profusely for more than five hours before the Planned Parenthood of Chicago staff who committed the abortion bothered to call for an ambulance. She died from her abortion injuries.(3)

Marla Cardamone was killed by legal abortion in 1989 when abortionist Michael Weinberger botched the abortion.(4)

Abortion Surveillance

Below is an incomplete list of women who have been killed in America after Roe v. Wade legalized abortion. (These names have been obtained from here and hereWarning:  There are graphic images on the website of the first link.) An even longer list is housed here.

To find more statistics and analysis of abortion-related deaths, please see the reports from the CDC.

First Name

Last Name

Year of Death


Age of Death

Eunice Agbaaga 1989 New York 26
Leigh Ann Alfred Alabama unknown
Demetrice Andrews 1988 Georgia 22
Mickey Apodaca 1984 Texas 28
Gloria Aponte 1986 Connecticut 20
Charisse Ards Colorado 20
Barbara Auerbach 1981 New York 38
Jacqueline Bailey 1977 California 29
Myrta Baptiste 1977 Florida 26
Lisa Bardsley 1995 Arizona 26
Junette Barnes 1988 Texas unknown
Deanna Bell 1992 Illinois 13
Brenda Benton 1987 Illinois 35
Rosario Bermeo 1983 New York 30
Janet Blaum 1974 New Orleans 37
Cassandra Bleavins 1971 California 20
Linda Boom Wisconsin 35
Diane Boyd 1981 Missouri 19
Mary Bradley 1985 Alabama 41
Dorothy Brown 1974 Illinois 37
Dorothy Bryant 1986 Texas unknown
Belinda Byrd 1987 California 37
Janeth Caldwell 1986 Alabama 36
Joan Camp California 22
Marla Cardamone 1989 Pennsylvania 18
Teresa Causey 1988 Georgia 17
Claudia Caventou 1986 California 33
Patricia Chacon 1984 California 16
Colleen Chambers 1991 California 34
Ying Chen California 30
Sandra Chmiel 1975 Illinois 35
Gwendolyn Cliett 1980 Pennsylvania 29
Margaret Clodfelter Virginia unknown
Pamela Colson Florida 31
Geneva Colton Georgia 21
 Chloe Marnell Colts Michigan 26
Rita Concalves 1984 Rhode Island 25
Andrea Corey 1993 New York 31
Liliana Cortez 1986 California 22
Edith Cote 1991 New York 38
Sheryl Cottone 1981 Iowa 23
Twila Coulter 1972 California 21
Denise Crow Maryland 21
Carol Cunningham 1986 New Mexico 21
Mary Ann Dancy 1990 North Carolina 32
Angel Dardie 1982 Michigan 22
Barbaralee Davis 1977 Illinois 18
Glenda Davis 1989 Texas 31
Kathy Davis 1987 Ohio 26
Margaret Davis 1972 California 33
Sharon Davis 1983 New Mexico 17
Arlin De La Cruz 1992
Marina DeChapell 1978 Florida 34
Betty Demato 1980 Colorado 26
Synthia Dennard 1989 Illinois 24
Alerte Desanges 1994 New York 36
Barbara Dillon 1981 New York 22
Laniece Dorsey 1986 California 17
Tamika Dowdy 1998 New York 22
Gwendolyn Drummer 1972 California 15
Anjelica Duarte 1991 Nevada 21
Evelyn Dudley 1973 Illinois 38
Sherry Emry 1978 Illinois 26
Georgianna English 1980 Washington 32
Maureen Espinoza 1997 Texas 16
Gladyss Estanislao 1989 Maryland 28
Erna Fisher 1988 Kansas 18
Bonnie Fix 1974 California 38
Sharon Floyd 1975 Illinois 18
Linda Fondren 1974 Illinois 21
Christella Forte 1986 Michigan 16
Janet Foster 1971 California 18
Glenna Jean Fox 1989 New York 17
Jammie Garcia 1994 Texas 15
Josefina Garcia 1985 California 37
Gina Gardner Florida 17
Marie Gibson 1980 South Carolina 34
Christin Gilbert 2005 Kansas 19
Kathleen Gilbert 1974 Illinois 29
Christina Goesswein 1990 New York 19
Gaylene Golden 1985 Oklahoma 21
Maria Gomez 1976 California 29
Edrica Goode California 21
Shary Graham 1982 Texas 34
Doris Grant 1971 California 32
Debra Gray 1989 Maryland 34
Norma Greene 1981 North Carolina 34
Carolina Gutierrez 1996 Florida 21
Angela Hall 1991 Alabama unknown
Jennifer Hallner Maryland 27
Sharon Hamptlon 1996 California 27
Arnetta Hardaway 1985 Georgia 18
Tammy Harris 1997
Wilma Harris 1974 Washington 17
Gracealynn Harris Deleware 19
L’Echelle Renee Head Ohio 21
Sheila Hebert 1984 Louisinana 27
Donna Heim 1986 California 20
Melissa Lynn Heim Illinois 19
Lou Anne Herron 1998 Arizona 33
Moris Helen Herron 1983 California 26
Rhonda Hess 1982 Louisinana 20
Betty Hines 1971 California 21
Shirley Hollis 1991 Alabama 30
Denise Holmes 1970 California 24
Barbara Hoppert 1983 California 16
Mary Ives 1983 Connecticut 28
Karretu Jabbie 1989 Washington 24
Louchresser Jackson 1977 Texas 23
Regina Johnson Michigan 32
Rosalyn Joy 1987
Sandra Kaiser 1984
Elise Kalat 1987 Massachusettes 22
Patricia King 1987 Oklahoma 24
Giselene Lafontant 1993 New York 25
Barbara Lerner 1981 Florida 30
Susan Levy 1992 California 30
Cora Lewis 1983 California 23
Sara Lint 1970 California 22
Maria Lira 1974 California 19
Suzanne Logan 1992 Maryland 34
Diana Lopez California 25
Linda Lovelace 1980 Tennesse 21
Elva Lozada 1964
Debra Lozinski 1985 New Jersey 17
Dawn Mack 1991 New York 21
Michelle Madden 1986 Alabama 18
Sharon Margrave 1970 California 25
Sherika Mayo Georgia 23
Gail Mazo 1978 New York 27
Sophie McCoy 1990 New York 17
Rita McDowell 1975 Washington 16
Myria McFadden 1987 Washington 28
Evangeline McKenna 1974 California 38
Kathy McKnight 1993 North Carolina 36
Kendra McLeod North Carolina 22
Lynn McNair 1979 New York 24
Dawn Mendoza 1988 New York 28
Yvonne Mesteth 1985 South Dakota 18
Natalie Meyers 1972 California 16
Sandra Milton 1990 Ohio 28
Mitsue Mohar 1975 California 31
Karnamaya Mongar Pennsylvania 41
Ruth Montero 1979 Florida 23
Denise Montoya 1988 Texas 15
Betty Moon 1978
Beverly Moore 1981
Sylvia Moore 1986 Illinois 18
Christine Mora 1994 California 18
Maura Morales 1981 Florida 24
Shelby Moran Illinois 39
Jennifer Morbelli Maryland 29
Katheryn Morse 1972 California 20
Kelly Morse 1996 Pennsylvania 32
Loretta Morton 1984 Oregon 16
Kathy Murphy 1973 California unknown
Dorothy Muzorewa 1974 Illinois 25
Guadalupe Negron 1993 New York 33
Kimberly Neil California unknown
Germaine Newman 1984 New Jersey 14
Sara Niebel 1994 Georgia 15
Alexandra Nunez New York 37
Maria Ortega 1970 New York 23
Joyce Ortenzio 1988 California 32
Venus Ortiz New York 29
Shanice Denise Osbourne 2006
Linda Padfield 1973 South Dakota 28
Mary Ann P 1977 Ohio 36
Mary Paredez 1977 California 26
Holly Patterson California 18
Shirley Payne 1983 Florida 33
Mary Pena 1984 California 43
DaNette Perguson 1992 Arizona 19
Erika Peterson 1961 California 28
Catherine Pierce 1989 Georgia 27
Katrina Poole 1988 Florida 16
Yvette Poteat 1985 South Carolina 26
Vanessa Preston 1980 Texas 22
Dawndalea Ravenell 1985 New York 13
Tonya Reaves Illinois 24
Angela Reynolds 1985 New Jersey 23
Jacqueline Reynolds 1986 Georgia 22
Erica Richardson 1989 Maryland 16
Barbara Riley New York 23
Magdalena Rodriguez 1994 California 23
Carmen Rodriguez New York 31
Luz Maria Rodriguez New York 40
Maria E. Rodriguez Illinois unknown
Julia Rogers 1973 Illinois 20
Rhonda Rollinson 1992 Pennsylvania 32
Allegra Rosebery 1988 Georgia 41
Antonesha Ross Illinois unknown
Sharonda Rowe 1981 Washington 17
Stayce Ruckman 1988 Missouri 23
Rhonda Ruggiero 1982 Ohio 29
LaSandra Russ 1971 California 20
Tamiia Russell Michigan 15
Stella Saenz 1968 California 42
Angela Sanchez 1993 California 28
Angela Satterfield 1990 Oklahoma 23
Carole Schaner 1971 New York 37
Pearl Schwier New York 42
Angela Scott 1979 Georgia 19
Semika Shaw Pennsylvania 22
Oriane Shevin California 34
Jan Simmons 1978 California 16
Gloria Small 1978 Florida 34
Deloris Smith 1979 Georgia 15
Diane Smith 1976 Illinois 23
Laura Hope Smith 2007 Massachusettes 22
Margaret Smith 1971 New York 25
Teresa Smith Mississippi 31
Laura Sorrels 1988 California 30
Maria Soto 1985 California 32
Kathryn Strong 1972 California 26
Jennifer Suddeth 1982 California 17
Tami Suematsu 1988 California 19
Yvonne Tanner 1988 California 22
Mary Tennyson 1982 Georgia 20
Michelle Thames 1987 California 18
Lar Vang Thao Pennsylvania 25
Ingrid Thomas 1991 Michigan 28
Magnolia Thomas 1986 Illinois 35
Manuela Torres. California 36
Hoa Thuy “Vivian” Tran California 22
Elizabith Tsuji 1978 California 21
Cheryl Tubbs 1975 California 29
Maureen Tyke 1983 Florida 21
Cycloria Vangates 1976 Florida unknown
Latachie Veal 1991 Texas 17
Brenda C. Vise Tennesse 38
Cheryl Vosseler 1969 California 17
Gail Vroman 1979 Indiana 20
Pamela Wainwright 1987 Georgia 37
Lynette Wallace 1975 California 22
Debra Walton 1989 Alabama 35
Nancy Ward Missouri unknown
Sheila Watley Texas 31
Diane Watson 1987 Illinois 27
Ingar Weber 1990 Louisinana unknown
Robin Wells 1981 Ohio 27
Tatanisha Wesson California 24
Adrienne Williams 1986
Ellen Williams 1985 Florida 38
Nichole Williams 1997 Missouri 22
Sandra Williams 1984 Pennsylvania 30
Shirley Williams 1980 Georgia 30
Chivon Williams Michigan 17
Tanya Williamson 1996 New York 28
Carole Wingo 1974 Michigan 22
Virginia Wolfe 1998 Texas 33
Darlene Wood 1982 Pennsylvania unknown
Gail Wright 1986 New Jersey 29

Content from Life Dynamics

Planned Parenthood Ambulances

Abortion hurts women, and many states do not require abortion facilities to be inspected. Therefore, it is no surprise that ambulances are frequently called to their facilities. In Saint Louis, Missouri, there have been 75 ambulances called to the Planned Parenthood since 2009 due to confirmed medical emergencies. Additionally, there are many documented cases of abortion facilities further jeopardizing patient safety by requesting that ambulances approach with lights/sirens off, delaying their arrival time.

More than 100 ambulances were called to abortion facilities in 2019.

To find out more about the abortion facilities in your area, visit: www.checkmyclinic.org.


  1. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/02/12/jennifer-mckenna-morbelli_n_2671375.html. Accessed February 25, 2014.
  2. http://www.phila.gov/districtattorney/pdfs/grandjurywomensmedical.pdf. Accessed February 25, 2014.
  3. http://abcnews.go.com/US/chicago-womans-family-lawyers-abortion-related-death/story?id=16845276&singlePage=true. Accessed February 25, 2014.
  4. http://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=1129&dat=19970114&id=ZNBRAAAAIBAJ&sjid=KW8DAAAAIBAJ&pg=6677,8170764. Accessed February 25, 2014.