Facts About Abortion

Human Development

Many people who support abortion simply don’t know about the prenatal development of a human being. For some, this knowledge is all it takes to change their mind about the morality of abortion. Though that won’t be the case for everyone, you should know these basic facts about human development to use in your conversations about abortion.

Abortion Methods

The abortion industry is deliberately quiet about certain facts about abortion, including the reality of how abortions are actually committed. But, again, abortion supporters often are unaware of how abortions are done and can change their minds after learning about the violence involved. Conversations about abortions are easier when you're able to knowledgably explain what it is you're actually discussing - the killing of a preborn human via one of multiple methods.


The Abortion Industry

As the nation’s largest, wealthiest, and most well-connected abortion vendor, Planned Parenthood is the ringleader of the abortion industry. While Planned Parenthood certainly has a monopoly on abortion, they aren’t the only guilty party. The rest of America’s abortions are committed by standalone facilities. Click to learn more about America’s dirtiest business.

How To Defend Your Stance

As a pro-life leader, you not only have to be knowledgeable on the facts about abortion - you must also be able to communicate it to others persuasively. This is how hearts are softened and minds are changed about abortion. Here, you'll find help answering the easy questions, tackling the hard ones, and addressing everything in between.


Birth Control

What is the pro-life stance on contraception? We have a responsibility to address birth control because it plays a significant role in the supply and demand for abortion – in addition to causing abortions itself. Learning about contraception will help guide your conversations about the earliest types of abortions as well as the reasons our some members of our culture have accepted abortion as “normal.”

Abortion Alternatives

Women and families deserve to know all the facts about abortion as well as their non-violent options when faced with an unplanned pregnancy. Fortunately, the pro-life movement has led the charge in creating, improving, and expanding adoption and parenting options for mothers and fathers who choose life.

Other Life Issues

Though our top priority, Students for Life of America is not only working to stop abortion in this country. We have a vested interest in defending all innocent life from unnatural, systematic termination. Issues like stem cell research, in-vitro fertilization (IVF), and euthanasia are examples of other human rights violations that deserve attention.