The country witnessed an intense showing of unbridled hostility towards the Pro-Life Generation at Saint Louis University recently, and it has illuminated just how pro-abortion supporters too often interact with pro-life supporters. SLU pro-life students were obscenely cursed at, insulted, told they were “a little b*tch,” and told that they would “hopefully f*cking go to hell.” This was after pro-abortion students stomped all over a somber display of flags that were arranged into a cross to memorialize aborted babies and put up signs that said, “Rosaries off my ovaries.”
The incident at SLU is just another example of how the Pro-Life Generation has been under attack this fall semester. Between SFLA’s See Me Now tour and SFLA president, Kristan Hawkins’ The Future is Anti-Abortion speaking tour, pro-abortion students have created controversy and hostility wherever we go. Here is a list of 11 different instances of pro-abortion students attacking and bullying pro-lifers and the pro-life movement:
1. University of San Diego
Despite being a Catholic university, pro-abortion students at the University of San Diego are making it their mission to make Kristan Hawkins unwelcome on campus. After hearing that Hawkins would be presenting on campus on November 11th as a part of her The Future is Anti-Abortion speaking tour, pro-abortion students distributed flyers, denouncing Hawkins and advertising a protest which will be held on the night of the event.
Uncontented to merely protest, the pro-abortion students also took to ripping down Hawkins’ event flyers. After a pro-life student caught a pro-abortion student in the act of ripping down their posters, the pro-abortion student threw the ripped up remains at her. To see for yourself, watch the video below.
2. University of Pittsburgh
When SFLA Christian Fellow, Lucia Hunt, hosted a conference entitled, “Unethical Research Conference, at the University of Pittsburgh, pro-abortion protesters completely disrupted the event. They stormed the stage, interrupting one of the presenter’s speeches, and held up a large banner which demanded that Crisis Pregnancy Centers not be allowed on campus.
They also seized presentation notes and literature and ripped them up while loudly chanting, “Working women give them hell, it is right to rebel.” They had missed the memo that women were both hosting and speaking at the conference.
3. Archbishop Riordan High School
At yet another Catholic school, Archbishop Riordan pro-abortion students walked out of pro-life, school-sponsored assembly in a viral Tik Tok. The speaker, Megan Almon, was from the Life Training Institute, an organization that does apologetics lectures in Catholic and Protestant schools.
4. University of Texas San Antonio
After pro-life students set up another Cemetery of the Innocents display, pro-abortion students at the University of Texas San Antonio went crazy. Pro-life students were spit on, yelled at, and hit in the face. The harassment didn’t end there but continued on social media.
5. University of Cincinnati
When the See Me Now tour visited the University of Cincinnati, a mob of angry pro-abortion students descended on the SFLA’s table and display. The students were aggressive and unwilling to converse with SFLA’s pro-life representatives. Instead, the protesters stole the fetal models which were on display and tried to steal even more of the display—costing almost $300 to replace.
6. Winona University
When pro-life students at the University of Winona participated in National Pro-Life Chalk Day, pro-abortion students found their sidewalk art too much to handle. They vandalized the pro-life chalk drawings, doused a pro-life student in isopropyl alcohol, and threatened to slap another.
7. University of Oklahoma
On the same day as the Winona University vandalization and hostility, pro-abortion students at the University of Oklahoma also went to their wicked work on the pro-life students’ carefully drawn chalk messages. Crossing out or erasing the pro-life messages, the pro-abortion students added dehumanizing phrases.
8. Wellesley College
After calling for Hawkins’ speaking tour stop on campus to be cancelled and Wellesley College administration denying the request, pro-abortion students continued to spread vicious misinformation about Hawkins, calling her a “racist” and “ableist.” The lies were published on a social media document that garnered 700 signatures from pro-abortion students as well as in the student newspaper. Hawkins’ event posters were also vandalized in further events to disrespect her event.
9. Eastern Washington University
After pro-life students put up a display of pink crosses to represent the number of lives Planned Parenthood takes, pro-abortion students at Eastern Washington University began to berate them. A student continually screamed, “My body, my choice” at them, as well as screaming, “F*ck them kids,” while flipping the pro-life students off. Refusing to engage in conversation, the pro-abortion students instead called the male pro-life students ugly and the female pro-life students terrible.
10. Gonzaga University
The same display of pink crosses led to even more turmoil from pro-abortion students at Gonzaga University, another Catholic university. The pro-abortion students protested the display with signs and loud chants, such as “Our f*cking bodies, our f*cking choice,” and “Keep your rosaries off our ovaries.” Pro-abortion students even encouraged Gonzaga students to file harassment reports against the pro-life students. Even worse, the president of the Gonzaga SFLA group’s house was allegedly toilet-papered by the pro-abortion students.
11. Indianapolis Clinic for Women
While SFLA staff was doing sidewalk counseling in downtown Indianapolis at an abortion facility, they were berated by a woman driving by in a car. She was flipping them off, cursing, insulting, and telling them they had nothing better to do. When she drove by again, she went even further and threw an egg at them.
Sadly, too many of these schools listed are affiliated with the Catholic Church, which disappoints man students, parents, alumni, and donors who hope for and expect respectful responses to pro-life conversation, even when someone disagrees. We must ask ourselves what has happened to these religious institutions that their students are protesting one of their foundational beliefs: the sanctity of life. A school that affiliates itself with the Christian faith should respect for those fighting for the least of these.
More news on what’s happening on Christian campuses to come soon. For a deeper dive into how faith-based schools address church teaching on abortion and their interaction with Planned Parenthood and abortion vendors, stay tuned for a comprehensive report in early December! You may be surprised what is being allowed on campuses.
Opposition to pro-life perspectives affects many of us. On both religious and secular campuses across the nation, pro-life students are being attacked, harassed, and bullied by pro-abortion students while school administrations overlook the abuse. We are constantly seeing abortion supporters act rabidly towards the Pro-Life Movement and the Pro-Life Generation this semester, but we won’t back down. We will fight this battle until it’s won—no matter what abortion supporters throw at us.
For more on the 9 most common violations of student free speech, click here to read Students for Life of America President Kristan Hawkins’ op-ed at the Wall Street Journal.
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