Category: Med Students

BREAKING NEWS: Pro-Abortion Notre Dame Professor Sues Student Paper After Reporting on Her Abortion Activism
Caroline Wharton | July 17, 2023
GUEST POST: A pro-abortion Notre Dame professor has recently announced that she is pursuing legal action against student journalists who covered the controversy surrounding her anti-Catholic support of abortion on campus last fall and at events this spring. According to the student journalists from the Catholic newspaper the Irish Rover, Notre Dame Professor of Sociology Tamara Kay used her position

A Year After Roe, Adoptions are on the Rise Proving Life-Affirming Resources Flourish When Abortion is Off the Table
Caroline Wharton | July 11, 2023
When faced with an unexpected pregnancy, the pro-life movement encourages women and families to seek life-affirming resources that don’t include abortion. Some life-affirming resources for parents that are unable to raise their child include Safe Havens, foster care, and adoption. While Students for Life Action (SFLAction) and Students for Life of America (SFLA) recognize reforms are needed to better the foster care and adoption systems,

New Speakers, Including Former Vice President Mike Pence, Join All-Star Line-Up for 2023 National Celebrate Life Day Rally
Caroline Wharton | June 20, 2023
“The anniversary of the Dobbs decision is a special day for the pro-life movement as it commemorates both the end of the unconstitutional Roe decision and the beginning of a new era in which the Culture of Life can take root in America again,” said Students for Life of America President Kristan Hawkins. “I am excited to celebrate this day alongside my peers, nationally recognized leaders, who have been instrumental partners in achieving life-saving progress, and we’re not finished yet. On Saturday, the

FACT CHECK: The Commonwealth Fund Maternal Mortality Study Puts the ‘Bunk’ in Debunking
Caroline Wharton | June 15, 2023
GUEST POST: In our Post-Roe America, the mainstream media is grasping for straws by referencing anything that can make saving preborn lives seem like a bad idea — like this study from The Commonwealth Fund on maternal mortality rates. It finds that post-Roe maternal mortality has increased in primarily Republican-led, “abortion-restriction states” (as categorized by the pro-abortion think tank, the

After Publicity Stunt, The “Kardashian Abortionist” Was Fined But It’s Not Good Enough
Caroline Wharton | June 2, 2023
Do you remember Caitlyn Bernard, the infamous woman Students for Life of America (SFLA) dubbed the “Kardashian” of abortionists for her media gluttony? She’s back in the news again — but this time, we don’t think she’s too happy about the attention surrounding her recent slap on the wrist. Here’s what you need to know: In Case You Missed It…Who

Perinatal Hospice Is the Compassionate Choice for Parents & Child
Caroline Wharton | May 30, 2023
GUEST POST: Potter syndrome (also known as Potter sequence) is a fetal life-limiting condition which affects the development of the preborn child due to an insufficience or absence of amniotic fluid within the uterus. Classic presentation of Potter syndrome is caused by neither kidney forming; it can also develop downstream of hypoplastic or partially developed kidneys, polycystic kidney disease, amniotic

Fifth Circuit Tackles the Dirty Little Secret of How Chemical Abortion Pills Pushed on the Market & the “See No Evil” Strategy of Ignoring its Dangers
Kristi Hamrick | May 17, 2023
“Abortion activists called pregnancy an ‘illness’ to force a dangerous life-ending drug on the market. Then the FDA followed a ‘See No Evil’ Strategy of ignoring health risks and environmental concerns,” said Students for Life of America President Kristan Hawkins. “As SFLA details in a number of citizen petitions, the FDA has failed to protect people from deadly consequences.” CLICK

Students for Life Action Applauds House Judiciary Committee for “Tackling the Viewpoint Discrimination Poisoning the Department of Justice As Seen in the Abuse of the FACE Act”
Kristi Hamrick | May 15, 2023
“As Pregnancy Care Centers have burned and pro-life volunteers with groups like Students for Life are threatened and attacked, the Biden Administration’s so-called Justice Department sees no evil. But praying pro-lifers offend their sensibilities. That viewpoint discrimination must be challenged,” said SFLAction’s Kristan Hawkins. “We look forward to the hearing where we hope to learn more about how abortion supporters

‘Explicitly Pro-Life’: 10 Lies Pro-Choicers Believe with Isabel Brown
Caroline Wharton | May 12, 2023
GUEST POST: In this episode of Explicitly Pro-Life, Kristan Hawkins is joined by Students for Life Ambassador Isabel Brown to recap their favorite moments from this past semester’s campus tour! You are not going to want to miss their “behind the scenes” takes on campuses such as Virginia Commonwealth University and the minds that have been changed on campuses across the

How SFLA Saved a Baby During the 2023 National Pro-Life March
Caroline Wharton | January 23, 2023
GUEST POST: As it’s been a historic year for the pro-life movement, the 2023 National Pro-Life March and Summit were very exciting this year — and it became even more exciting when a life-saving moment with a young mother actually occurred during the March. Here’s why I will never forget this first Post-Roe March: Just before it began, I was