Demetree Institute for Pro-Life Advancement YouGov/Survey USA 2025 Poll Results:
Millennial & Gen Z Registered Voters Support Limits on Abortion & Legislators Who Protect Life in Law & in Service; A Majority Believe Human Rights Begin in the Womb;
Once Again, Chemical Abortion Pill Dangers lead more than 9 in 10 to Support Protection Measures found in Pro-Life Legislation;
& Planned Parenthood Loses Support After Young Voters Learn More.
“In an election in which abortion was chanted by Democratic Party operatives and media analysts like a mantra, voters did not prioritize the ending of life in the womb as predicted. And now the largest voting block has moved away from the party that offers abortion on demand, offering the leadership of the GOP an opportunity to lead on Life, to Make America Great Again for those born and preborn,” said Pro-Life Generation CEO Kristan Hawkins.
WASHINGTON D.C. (01-21-2025) –Pro-Life Generation CEO Kristan Hawkins noted that poll results released today from the Demetree Institute for Pro-Life Advancement conducted by Survey USA and YouGov show clearly that abortion is not what the majority of registered Gen Z and Millennial voters want more of from our new political leadership. “After a contentious election in which the Democratic Party offered basically one assurance, that the number of abortions would increase and that taxpayers would fund it, young voters pulled back. Our poll details common ground, serious concerns, and bad news for Planned Parenthood, the nation’s number one abortion vendor,” Hawkins said. “And the best news for political leaders, voter support is on the table for those who protect women and the preborn, as well as taxpayer interests. Students for Life Action (SFLAction) will be communicating these findings to state and federal legislators over the next year to support bold and courageous efforts to protect Life in law and in service.”
As noted in the Executive Summary Report here: “Media and politicians often claim that this critical demographic, now almost HALF (48.5%) of the electorate, are solidly on the side of abortion. The facts tell a different, nuanced story, as did the most recent election. When offered the choice between the most radical pro-abortion ticket in U.S. History, this demographic did not embrace Kamala Harris, who lost ground as 46% of voters 18-29 voted for Donald Trump, according to the Tufts University CIRCLE analysis. Millennials went much farther in their support, notes Deseret News, as Trump ‘did better among Millennial voters, closing in on Harris, who was ahead by only 1 percentage point.’”
Key findings highlighted in an in-depth poll note:
ON THE POLITICS OF ABORTION, MORE ISN’T BETTER: Registered Millennial and Gen Z voters are not buying with the Democratic Party has been selling.
Almost 7 in 10 support some limits on abortion. (67% to 33% — UP FROM 65% IN 2024).
MORE than 3 in 10 Youth Voters (31%) “would be MORE WILLING to accept limits” if families got the help they need.
LESS THAN 1 in 10 (9%) supported the Democratic Party Agenda of abortion without limits, through all 9 months, up to and including infanticide for a baby born during a botched abortion. (To note, the Democratic Party Presidential ticket included Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, who stopped abortion reporting in his state after it was reported that at least eight babies were allowed to die following botched abortions.)
Human Rights for Human Beings begin early: 6 in 10 said human rights begin while a child is still in the womb. Only 2% said rights begin when a court says so. ONLY 25% said human rights begin after birth.
ON THE PROBLEMS OF CHEMICAL ABORTION PILLS & OPPORTUNITY LEGISLATORS WILL MISS IF THEY DON’T PROTECT MOTHERS & PREBORN CHILD: Politicians ignoring the health and safety of women and the environment are missing a huge opportunity.
Chemical Abortion Pill efforts to protect lives, fertility, and the environment are wildly popular with younger voters, with more than 9 in 10 embracing protections.
- Ultrasound screening to save lives from ectopic pregnancy: 92% feel it’s important to have screenings before distributing the deadly pills, with 41% saying it/s extremely important
- Blood testing to protect fertility: 92% support this protection, with 39% saying it’s extremely important
- Studies on the potential environmental impact of waste and drugs related to abortion: 90% support conducting such testing, with 32% saying it’s extremely important
- Red Bag Medical Waste disposal to protect the environment: 90% support this addition to the health and safety standards, with 33% saying it’s extremely important
- In-person care/screening to protect from abusers getting the pills without women’s knowledge or consent: 66% support this common-sense protection
MORE THAN HALF — 52% — said they view a legislator favorably when the official protected people and the environment from the negative impacts of abortion, with 22% saying very favorably.
ON WHETHER CONCENSUS IS AVAILABLE (IT IS): The GOP’s current agenda on the right track.
Big Picture: Youth voters do stand on common ground in support for limits on abortion, in protection for women, in rejecting infanticide, in increases in support & service, and in protecting the fertility of women and children, whether from harms of abortion or harms to minors from wrong sex hormones
Infanticide Rejected: Good news for supporters of the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Act. Almost 9 in 10 Youth Voters believe that a baby born during a botched abortion should receive help, and nearly seven in 10 (66%) wanted 911 to be called for a baby born during a botched abortion.
Pain matters: It’s not the gestational age of a child that matters to most voters; it’s the child’s experience. When asked about support for abortion limits if a baby would experience pain, if neither the baby nor the mother’s life were in danger, 63% would accept limits on abortion at 12.5 weeks (more than 3 months), while 66% would accept limits at 24 weeks. In our survey, the initial question found that 50% were concerned about a preborn child feeling pain BEFORE asking further questions.
Fertility matters. More than 9 in 10 said it was important to require a blood test to protect a woman’s fertility based on her Rh-negative status. AND, asked about Planned Parenthood’s business model of distributing puberty blockers, more than 9 in 10 (91%) were concerned “that such treatments can permanently sterilize a minor.”
Planned Parenthood’s new business is troubling: More younger voters opposed Planned Parenthood’s role in providing “puberty blockers and hormone therapy” given the side effects – 40% to 32% — with 28% neither supporting nor opposing.
ON PLANNED PARENTHOOD’S SHAKY GROUND: Minds can be changed with more information.
On learning more about Planned Parenthood, people liked them less, making the educational process of investigating the abortion mega provider to debar & defund a winnable discussion.
Of those who had a baseline favorable view of Planned Parenthood, 30% view them less favorably after we showed them information on the nation’s number one abortion vendor. Of those who had a neutral view of Planned Parenthood, 30% also view them less favorably after learning more.
LESS THAN HALF (48%) supported Planned Parenthood getting tax money, now at nearly $700M.
More than 4 in 10 believed Planned Parenthood could be adequately replaced, given other service locations available, such as taxpayer-funded, Federally Qualified Healthcare centers.
FOR A MORE DETAILED LOOK at the views of registered Millennial and Gen Z voters, read the Executive Summary HERE, where graphics are also downloadable for use.
TO LEARN MORE about SFLAction’s Roadmap for pro-life legislation at the state and federal level, read Hawkins’ opinion piece at Townhall here: The Fight to Protect Life Is Far From Over
For interviews, contact [email protected]
The Pro-Life Generation (PLG) is an umbrella organization encompassing the most-cutting edge engagement opportunities for a Vote Pro-Life First Community. PLG includes Students for Life Action (SFLAction), a 501c4, along with its 501c3 sister organization, Students for Life of America (SFLA), that together make up the nation’s largest, pro-life youth organization, managing a grassroots political and policy operation engaging Americans of all ages but with a special emphasis on the largest segment of voters — the Youth Vote. Headquartered in Fredericksburg, VA, PLG/SFLA/SFLAction serves more than 1,500 groups on middle, high school, college, medical, and law school campuses in all 50 states. Our team has more conversations with this generation targeted by the abortion lobby than any other pro-life operation in the world, each week reaching more than 4 million across social media platforms and averaging 1.3 million video views. In addition to SFLA/SFLAction, PLG leads multiple initiatives to lead and serve the future of the pro-life movement including the Campaign for Abortion Free Cities, Standing With You, and the Demetree Institute for Pro-Life Advancement . Over more than 17 years, PLG CEO Kristan Hawkins has grown the operation into a nearly $20M organization, now preparing for an abortion-free America.
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