Category: law students
Fifth Circuit Tackles the Dirty Little Secret of How Chemical Abortion Pills Pushed on the Market & the “See No Evil” Strategy of Ignoring its Dangers
Kristi Hamrick | May 17, 2023
“Abortion activists called pregnancy an ‘illness’ to force a dangerous life-ending drug on the market. Then the FDA followed a ‘See No Evil’ Strategy of ignoring health risks and environmental concerns,” said Students for Life of America President Kristan Hawkins. “As SFLA details in a number of citizen petitions, the FDA has failed to protect people from deadly consequences.” CLICK
Abortionists’ win today = Women & the Preborn Lose, says Students for Life of America on SCOTUS allowing Chemical Abortion Pills to be Recklessly Distributed
Kristi Hamrick | April 21, 2023
“This makes Students for Life of America’s campaign for Environmental Justice for the Preborn even more important,” said SFLA’s Kristan Hawkins. “We’ve had more than 20 years of government sanctioned, corporate dumping of medical waste as chemically tainted blood, placenta tissue, & human remains get flushed into our water systems. FIVE TIMES the FDA failed to see whether the deadly pills
Forget the Firebombed Pregnancy Centers and Death Threats, Speaker Pelosi Thinks Violence is Only Bad If It Happened on January 6
Caroline Wharton | June 20, 2022
With more than 40 attacks on pro-life centers, pregnancy resource facilities, Supreme Court Justices’ lives, homes, and churches, it’s time our leaders take radical pro-abortion terrorism as serious as the January 6 protests. When will the once peaceful pregnancy resource offices firebombed and drenched in red paint receive a moment on primetime television? According to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s actions,
Learn How to Start a Students for Life Group on Your Campus
Lori Cascio | June 29, 2021
Being pro-life is more than liking a few social media graphics. It requires courage, support, leadership, and knowledge. Students for Life is the best place to grow in all of these areas! We work with over 1,200 pro-life student groups at schools across the nation. If your school is not one of them, it is time to change that. Register
Pro-Life Med & Law Students: Apply for a Campus Speaker!
Mary Briganti | December 31, 2020
This fall semester, amid COVID-19 restrictions and limitations, Students of Life of America (SFLA) was still able to successfully put on the Med and Law Speaking Tour with over 130 students in attendance. The focus of the tour is to spotlight the horrific impact of Chemical Abortion Pills, along with various topics covered by medical and legal professionals who have expertise in the pro-life movement. Applications are still open
It’s Not Just Presidential Candidates On Your Ballot
Brenna Lewis | October 29, 2020
Voters could not have a clearer chance to Vote Pro-Life First this election when it comes to candidates. The people on your ballot are either for abortion or against it – the gray area is extinct. Residents of Colorado and Louisiana, however, have an extra opportunity to protect life when it comes to state ballot initiatives. Louisiana’s Amendment 1 The amendment
Democratic Proposals to Alter the Court Continue to Be Terrifying
Brenna Lewis | October 23, 2020
Unfortunately, Thursday’s presidential debate failed to mention the issue of court packing; the American people were once more denied full transparency when it comes to knowing just how much Joe Biden would transform the courts. We’ve written plenty before about Democratic proposals to pack the Supreme Court, though, because there is plenty at stake. It doesn’t help that Joe Biden
Applications Are Open for Med & Law Students for Life Speaker Scholarships!
Mary Briganti | July 25, 2020
Pro-life medical and law students face unique challenges on their campuses. In the 2019-2020 school year, the Med & Law Students for Life Initiative reached over 400 students with speakers from across the country on a wide variety of topics. This year, speakers will focus on the impact of chemical abortions. First trimester abortions account for 91% of all abortions… and
The Best (and Worst) of the Supreme Court’s Decision on Louisiana’s Abortion Law
Brenna Lewis | June 30, 2020
The Supreme Court just handed down a ruling in the June Medical Services v. Gee case that was a degrading loss for women in Louisiana. The case was regarding safety standards and whether or not Louisiana had the right to require their abortion facilities to adhere to some, such as admitting privileges to a nearby hospital. In other words, the case didn’t
Trump Administration Finalizes Rule To Protect Conscience Rights of Doctors
Brenna Lewis | June 15, 2020
The Department of Health and Human Services finalized a new rule on Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act (commonly known as ‘Obamacare’). The new rule has received interest because it ensures that the federal government defines ‘sex’ as either male or female. But the important part of the pro-life movement is that it removes the Obama administration’s decision to