If you’re pro-life and a viewer of modern television, there’s a good chance you’ve been exposed to an abortion plotline and thought ‘the writers handled that really poorly…typical pro-abortion narrative.’ It turns out you’re not alone in this critique. According to a recently released study, much of scripted television material “continues to be unrealistic when it comes to depictions of abortion” …but in what way? Students for Life of America (SFLA) has a couple of ideas. Here’s what you need to know:
Released earlier this week, the annual Abortion Onscreen Report — prepared by a pro-abortion research program at the University of California San Francisco — put out the latest 2023 installment, and its findings were interesting. According to the study, there were nearly 50 abortion plotlines on television this year, almost a quarter of which discussed “logistical, financial, and legal barriers” to the procedure/pills. This year, the inclusion of Chemical Abortion Pills onscreen was also higher than in the past, and perhaps most interestingly, researchers noted that “the demographic reality of who gets abortions continues to be misrepresented on screen.”
How so? The majority of characters who get abortions on television programs are white, but in reality, abortions are committed on minority members far more often in real life.
(The study did report that when comparing different programs, “The Morning Show” did “best of all” when it came to abortion plot lines…which is probably why their viewership has plummeted. Click HERE to read another SFLA blog on this topic entitled “Brought to You by Planned Parenthood: ‘The Morning Show’ Gets a Pro-Abortion Makeover & Experiences Serious Viewership Drop.”)
This is an important difference because — while abortion is evil every time and regardless of skin color — it demonstrates the abortion lobby’s refusal to admit on-screen how they target the Black community, in particular. We see this disproportionate effect as the abortion giant Planned Parenthood has nearly 80% of their facilities located in minority neighborhoods. In addition, nearly 90% of Planned Parenthood’s new “mega facilities” are located within walking distance of these communities.
To learn more about how Black women and preborn babies have a long history that unfortunately continues into the present of being under fire by the abortion industry, click HERE.
There are other discrepancies between how abortion is betrayed on television and reality, as well, that these researchers fail to point out — but have no fear. That’s why the Pro-Life Generation is here. It’s rare if ever that television programs will show the following about abortion:
Potential Physical Harms
Even if an abortion is “successful” (i.e., a precious, preborn human life is ended) and everything seemingly goes as planned, post-abortive women are at risk of heavy bleeding, a higher chance of breast cancer, damage to their cervix, future fertility issues, and scarring of their uterine lining. However, if something goes wrong during an abortion, women may be exposed to infection or sepsis, placenta previa, perforation of their uterus, damage to organs, and even death.
Yes, death — sometimes two souls are lost in this horrific act. Click HERE to read the names and stories of women who have been killed during legal abortions.
Risk of Mental Health Deterioration
Multiple studies have shown that women who have abortions are overwhelmingly more likely to experience mental health issues afterwards. Such problems include depression, insomnia or night terrors, loss of self-confidence, relationship issue, feelings of isolation, substance abuse (alcohol or drugs), and even suicide.
In addition — for any abortion supporter who wants to bring up the fact that women can experience post-partum depression after birth — studies have also found that when abortion is a woman’s first pregnancy outcome (rather than childbirth), women are much more likely to have inpatient/outpatient visits for mental health, as well as long hospital stays for the same reason.
Pain Like Never Before
Many women also find that they are unprepared for the severe physical pain of abortion, as abortion vendors minimize the horror they will have to go through. Post-abortive women have described it as “absolutely horrible, a lot worse than I thought it would be,” “very, very uncomfortable,” “the most intense pain I’ve ever felt,” “so much pain I couldn’t lie down or stand up, I didn’t know what to do with myself,” and “very painful, worse than the labor I experienced.”
(Click HERE to read another SFLA blog relating to this entitled “These Three Factors Can Increase Your Pain When Taking Chemical Abortions Pills.”)
Intense & Long-Lasting Regret
Many psychologists and doctors recognize the stress and emotional pain that can follow an abortion — for both women and men — which has led to this condition being termed Post-Abortion Syndrome (PAS), a form of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). This regret can last for years and be personally destructive, as former Pussycat Dolls singer Kaya Jones explained on the SFLA “Speak Out” podcast. If you’re suffering from a previous abortion, click HERE for help.
All four of these factors are sad realities of abortion — yet will we see even one typically portrayed on television? Not a chance…only rose-colored glasses are allowed with abortion depictions.
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