Exciting New Polling from SBA Pro-Life America Shows Us the Way Forward in Federal Legislation

Caroline Wharton - 19 Jul 2022

It’s hard to argue with numbers, and polling on the abortion issue makes it hard to argue that Americans are in favor of abortion extremism — and in recent poll done by Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, the numbers just keep getting better and better for the pro-life movement. Not only does this new poll confirm what Students for Life of America (SFLA) has found within our own polling, but it also shows the pro-life movement and Students for Life Action (SFLAction) the way forward with legislation. Here’s what the poll is all about and how we need to use its findings:  

SBA Poll Findings  

Contrary to the pro-abortion mainstream media, the SBA polling reported at Axios found that the majority of American voters (by double-digit margins) actually support “a heartbeat limit, a pain-capable limit, or a similarly protective gestational limit” when considering abortion policy. In contrast, the poll also found that only 10% of voters actually favored the current agenda of the pro-abortion Democratic party which supports abortion at any time and for any reason.  

Federal Heartbeat Bill

These notable findings are supported by many other polls, including several done by SFLA’s Demetree Institute for Pro-Life Advancement. In a 2022 poll, we found that three out of four of Millennials and Gen Z want limits on abortion with more than four in ten actually favoring either no abortion at all or abortion limited to cases of rape, incest, or life of the mother. This poll also found that the universal sound of life — the heartbeat — is an almost undeniable proof of life as a more than half (52%) of Millennials and Gen Z indicated that they believed abortion should be banned entirely (except in cases of rape, incest, and life of the mother) after a heartbeat is discovered. Clearly, a heartbeat detected must be protected.  

To see other polls which demonstrate that Americans reject abortion extremism, click HERE and HERE to read more on our blog.  

How These Numbers Influence Our Direction  

Polls showing pro-life support in American voters are refreshing and full of hope for the pro-life movement — however, SFLAction President Kristan Hawkins maintains that such numbers should go beyond inspiration and directly into action. After all, why stop when momentum is building? This is exactly the time that the pro-life movement needs to boldly strike in order to gain further, substantial protections for the preborn.  

Federal Heartbeat Bill

That’s why SFLAction is calling for Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell to lead the way in starting a strategic campaign to federally protect preborn children from the moment their heartbeat is detected. Such a strategy could be similar to state Heartbeat Bills, such as the legendary Texas Heartbeat Bill which has limited legal abortions and protected the preborn. 

Hawkins made the case for federal heartbeat legislation, saying:  

“SBA’s exciting poll confirms support for Heartbeat legislation that Students for Life of America’s Demetree Institute for Pro-Life Advancement reported earlier this year. Contrasting interest in a candidate who supported Heartbeat legislation compared to one that supported abortion through all 9 months, 80 % (49% GOP and 31 % Democrat) said they would pick the candidate supporting protections from that early moment of existence. That 80 % number was identical to the math of those who would support a candidate embracing the gestational limit at 15 weeks, compared to abortion through all 9 months. People are clearly ready to see life protected in law.  

Federal Heartbeat Bill

“Sen. McConnell, just as you lead the Senate through so many important Supreme Court nominations, we ask that today you lead us again in protecting life from those first heartbeats. On a battlefield or in an emergency room, usually we rush to save those with a heartbeat – the universal sign of life. We ask today that that the Senate take steps to protect those who are vulnerable to the political whims of Corporate Abortion and its powerful allies with Heartbeat legislation.  Americans are clearly ready to see life protected in law. 

“Considering these new opportunities, we ask our Members of Congress to begin this new work of rebuilding a legal framework that shelters the most vulnerable among us. As a result of the hard work of Senator McConnell and other on the Hill, we have come to a moment in which many new options for protecting life are available to us. No longer do we have to stand at the doors of the Supreme Court, waiting for them to let us protect life in law. Considering these new opportunities, we ask member of Congress to begin this new work of rebuilding a legal framework that shelters the most vulnerable among us.”   

To see how pro-lifers are working with SFLAction to ask McConnell to initiate and lead on federal Heartbeat legislation, click HERE.  

READ NEXT: Punishing Pro-Life Pharmacists: Biden’s Plan to Strong-Arm Medical Professionals into Pushing Abortion Pills  

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