Good news is always a blessing so let us bless you with some: a new report has come out showing that the Texas Heartbeat Law is saving lives. After battles with the abortion lobby and even doubts by pro-lifers who were afraid the law wouldn’t stand, Students for Life of America is so happy to be able to report that it is standing strong and being effective. Here’s the scoop:
What’s the Texas Heartbeat Law again?
This law prohibits the abortion of preborn babies with a detectable heartbeat—and has an original enforcement method. It creates real legal liability for abortionists who kill or plan to kill babies after detecting a heartbeat; this means that the law allows citizens to sue Texas abortionists as a way of protecting women and children from them. It does not punish post-abortive women or women seeking an abortion.

Students for Life Action has been outspoken in supporting this law since the beginning. SFLAction attended the gubernatorial signing of the bill into law in May, 2021, and the Texas Heartbeat Law went into effect on September 1st, 2021. When the Biden Administration took Texas to Court over this law, SFLAction condemned the Administration’s actions and then celebrated when the United States Supreme Court took “baby steps toward the obvious conclusion that aborting babies by the millions is not a Constitutional ‘right” and upheld the law. Now we’re celebrating again with these new findings.
Where did this new data come from?
Just recently, abortion data was released by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission. This data was from September, 2021 (the first full month following the enactment of the new law), and it showed that abortion was down in the state by more than 50% compared to September, 2020.

In additional to positive research, a survey done by Heartbeat International showed that in Texas and surrounding states, pregnancy resource centers had seen a large increase in visits. This means that more women are deciding to continue their pregnancies—which is excellent news.
(Click HERE to check out our op-ed on why pregnancy centers are so great!)
What can the Pro-Life Generation do now?
Galvanized by Texas, we are busy passing even more pro-life legislation. Students for Life Action is hard at work. In fact, we’re currently helping 8 different states that want to pass Life at Conception Bills. If you’d like to help with lobbying days, letters to representatives, etc., click HERE to help.

And lastly, don’t forget to toast to the Texas Heartbeat Law’s success! Celebrate this effective, life-saving, legal protection for preborn children. This doesn’t happen every day—but we’re going to make sure it happens a lot more often until abortion is totally abolished in all 50 states. That’s a promise.
Click HERE to read other ways the abortion lobby is losing in Texas.
Editor’s Note: The Washington Examiner found that abortions had declined by 60% in the first month after the Heartbeat Law went into effect.
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