Giving President Biden a break in being criticized by the media, Vice President Kamala Harris took one for the team and made outrageous commentary at the 113th National American Association of Colored People (NAACP) National Convention when she compared the Dobbs v. Jackson ruling to slavery. Sadly, this is not a Babylon Bee headline. Her inflammatory remarks ignited the pro-life Black community’s indignation as she dared to put the reversal of Roe v. Wade on the same level as human enslavement. Here’s what she said and our reaction to it:
In her speech, Harris stated point blank,
“Think about it: For the first time in generations, the United States Supreme Court — the highest court of our land; the former court of Thurgood Marshall — took away a constitutional right, that had been recognized, from the people of America, from the women of America. We know, NAACP, that our country has a history of claiming ownership over human bodies.”
Harris continued her unfortunate diatribe by falsely accusing pro-life leaders of “punishing women” (that’s a myth) and working to restrict the votes of their constituents (but check out all these polls that say Americans opposed Roe). Putting aside the fact that Harris spread some serious misinformation in her speech, it is important to call out her equivalence of slavery to the SCOTUS decision.
Students for Life of America (SFLA) Regional Coordinators Faith Elwonger and Omarr Peters recently discussed Harris’ assertion in an op-ed on the 13th Amendment which they co-wrote at Newsweek, entitled “13th Amendment Was Meant to Protect Black People, Not the Abortion Lobby.” The authors wrote:
“If our slavery-era ancestors were alive today, they would say the abortion lobby is the modern plantation master, and that we are once again being subjected to the lie of Black helplessness as our people are used and abused through abortion.
“Even now in a post-Roe v. Wade America, the abortion lobby is grasping to maintain its power over Black people. Earlier this week, Vice President Kamala Harris insinuated that unless we Black Americans can end children’s lives with abortion, we are not free — arguing for a violent death for those who are helpless and often disenfranchised under the law. Perhaps ugliest of all, others have proposed using the 13th Amendment to cover Black abortions. It is hard to say exactly what emotion we felt as Black Americans when we first learned of it, but a mixture of shock and disgust is a fair description.”
Elwonger and Peters continued, writing:
“The idea that Congress should utilize the 13th Amendment to grant Black Americans the right to an abortion as a “matter of racial equality” is insulting to the core. It’s based on a racist premise that without the ability to kill our children, we Black Americans cannot be equal to other races, who apparently can be successful without having to “off” their offspring.”
In relaying their dismay and disgust at such a misuse of the 13th Amendment, Peters shared the story of his great-great-great grandfather who fought in the Union army at 72-year-old to win freedom for his family. Elwonger also imparted her own perspective as a pregnant, pro-life Black woman, explaining her thoughts when the abortion lobby claims to stand for Black women (or rather, for the killing of Black babies).
As Elwonger and Peters so artfully pointed out in their article, Black people are just as capable and good parents as any parent of any color – to attempt to say otherwise in defense of abortion is racist. Let us not forget that and let us not forget that Black Preborn Lives Matter — no matter what the abortion lobby says.
Check out SFLA President Kristan Hawkins talk to CNN on this topic below:
To learn more about SFLA’s Black Preborn Lives Matter campaign, click HERE.
To read the rest of Elwonger and Peters article at Newsweek, click HERE.
READ NEXT: WATCH: Kristan Hawkins & Obama Actually Agree on Something
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