Sometimes, people ask us why we focus our efforts so heavily on Planned Parenthood. The answer is simple: they are the nation’s biggest abortion vendor. They commit about 1/3 of American abortions every year, and they are an extremely wealthy and well-connected propaganda machine. That is the simple answer… which, incidentally, leaves out decades of scandal, investigation, and harm to women.
America’s Largest Abortion Vendor By the Numbers
- 46% of abortions are committed on women younger than 25.
- 95% of Planned Parenthood’s pregnancy “services” were abortions in 2018-2019.
- 947 abortions are committed by Planned Parenthood every day. And that’s keeping in mind that there are no abortion reporting laws in most states.
- 345,672 abortions were committed by Planned Parenthood facilities in 2018-2019, their largest annual total ever, more than any other provider.
- $1.6 billion is the amount of revenue Planned Parenthood made in 2018-2019.
- $616.8 million is the total taxpayer dollars Planned Parenthood received in the 2018-2019 fiscal year.
Planned Parenthood Targets Minorities & Sells Baby Parts
The Guttmacher Institute, the research arm of Planned Parenthood, reports that minorities account for 62% of abortions in the United States. The Life Issues Institute reports that Planned Parenthood is targeting women of color with their new mega abortion facilities. They found that 88% of their new mega facilities are within walking distance of minority neighborhoods.
Since 2014, David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt have been battling Planned Parenthood in the courts for their undercover video work that exposed the industry for harvesting and trafficking aborted baby body parts. In the fall of 2019, StemExpress admitted to selling these parts, along with beating hearts and intact heads.
America’s longest-practicing abortionist testified that he saw plenty of evidence that Planned Parenthood had to be altering abortion practices, including delivering babies alive and dissecting them, in order to supply researchers with the most profitable organs. Planned Parenthood, during the span of months in the courtroom, never refuted any of this. UPDATE: They have since testified that everything Daleiden has alleged is true.
10 Ways to Stop Planned Parenthood
1) Help Students for Life Paint the Streets of D.C. & NYC with the Message: Black Preborn Lives Matter
The mayors of New York City and Washington, D.C. have opened the streets of their cities for “public expression.” Consequently, Students for Life of America is now requesting the opportunity to add our voices to those concerned about how people of color are treated in America.
Students for Life requests permission to paint Black Preborn Lives Matter on the streets in front of the D.C. Planned Parenthood located at 4th Street NE and NYC Planned Parenthood located at 26 Bleecker Street. This is for two reasons: to draw attention to the biggest destroyer of Black lives, and to celebrate the future of the community and the beautiful children with endless potential who deserve the opportunity to make their mark in the world.
A similar street display in front of a different Planned Parenthood in New York was recently vandalized. Read more here.
2) Join the Efforts to “SOS! Strike Out Sanger!”
Margaret Sanger pioneered the modern birth control movement and founded Planned Parenthood. There are dedications to her throughout the United States. She is highlighted as a feminist, humanist, and “hero” for human equality.
Join Students for Life of America in our SOS! Strike Out Sanger Campaign in calling on various officials to remove Margaret Sanger’s tributes, given her life-time emphasis on reducing the number of babies born in minority communities, a truly racist effort. “The American ideal is the respect and incorporate peoples of every race, creed and color,” said SFLA President Kristan Hawkins. “Sanger’s hatred of minorities disqualifies her from public display, though her harmful legacy and the impact of her abortion and contraceptive advocacy should be studied.”
Click here to take action to Strike Out Sanger.
Click here to learn more about Margaret Sanger & the SOS Project.
3) Kick Planned Parenthood Off Your Campus
The abortion giant very deliberately targets college-age women for abortion sales with a message of, “You can’t handle being a parent and achieving your goals.” Depending on the abortion-friendliness of your campus, Planned Parenthood may have very easily managed to infiltrate your campus health center or other areas where panicked pregnant students go looking for help.
In middle schools and high schools, Planned Parenthood sneaks in their perverted sex education (under a different name, of course) in order to portray themselves as a “friend” to children early.
- Planned Parenthood Releases Genitalia Coloring Book for Preschoolers
- Why We Must Reject Planned Parenthood’s Sex Ed Curriculum
- Students in Washington Speak Out Against Pornographic Sex Ed
… and here are some of our victories kicking Planned Parenthood OUT!
- Catholic College Removes Planned Parenthood Information after Students for Life Intervenes
- Seattle University Removes Planned Parenthood from Website
- Austin School District Dumps Planned Parenthood Sex Ed
Is Planned Parenthood at your school? Are you not sure? Contact Katie Lodjic at [email protected] for help.
4) Do an SFLA Display about Planned Parenthood
Far too many students don’t know the whole truth about the nation’s largest abortion vendor. Students for Life’s displays are the perfect way to start these important conversations.
Students for Life offers multiple different displays that focus on the abortion giant:
- Planned Parenthood Truth
- We Don’t Need Planned Parenthood
- Planned Parenthood Project
And the best part is… your Regional Coordinator will be there every step of the way. If you want to do a campus display, your Regional Coordinator will train you and your group on the material, bring the display to your school, and do it with you on campus. Want to schedule? You can contact your Regional Coordinator by emailing [yourstate]@studentsforlife.org.
5) Participate in National Pro-Life Generation Sidewalk Day
Did you know that the no-show rate for abortion appointments increases dramatically when there’s a peaceful pro-life presence at abortion facilities? This incredible phenomenon inspired us, five years ago, to create an annual sidewalk counseling event: National Pro-Life Generation Sidewalk Day.
This year’s Sidewalk Day is Saturday, August 1st. You can be the last voice of hope a mother hears; her last opportunity to turn around and choose love. Click here to learn more about this event.
Maintaining a peaceful presence outside of our nation’s abortion facilities falls under one of our 5 Pillars of Pro-Life Activism: Industry Impact. Showing mothers and fathers that we care and that there are better options for them helps reduce the supply and demand that keeps the abortion industry in business. Even if you can’t participate on August 1st… witnessing or sidewalk counseling at your nearest abortion facility could make a life-changing difference for a family in crisis.
6) Attend the 2021 National Pro-Life Summit
It’s already time to Save the Date for the 2021 National Pro-Life Summit! In some form or another, this one-of-a-kind pro-life training experience is happening on January 30th, 2021. Whether we’re able to gather en masse like last year, bring together a reduced crowd, or shift the event to be mostly virtual – rest assured, it’s happening.
7) Sign the Petition to Stop Chemical Abortion
The expansion to access and removal of safety protocols (called REMs– Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy) for chemical abortions is the biggest battleground we face right now in the pro-life movement.
During the current COVID-19 crisis, Planned Parenthood and their bought-and-paid-for allies in statehouses across America are working non-stop to bust open the doors to provide dangerous chemical pill abortion drugs through the mail or at a pharmacy without pregnancy confirmation tests or ultrasounds – and they are facing little opposition.
They are targeting vulnerable young women to trick them into believing getting a chemical abortion is as easy as taking an aspirin for a headache. Nothing could be further from the truth. Stop Planned Parenthood and sign the petition here.
8) Volunteer with Students for Life Action
Our political sister organization, Students for Life Action, is always looking for student volunteers to help push back against Planned Parenthood’s efforts to buy pro-choice politicians and advance their radical agenda. If you’re interested in the political or public policy side of the pro-life movement, check out volunteer opportunities with Students for Life Action.
9) Apply for a Pro-Life Career
There’s a full-time way to crack down on Planned Parenthood’s chokehold on our nation. And it’s literally going full-time. There are a wide variety of jobs available with many different organizations in the pro-life movement. Whatever your specific interests or skill-set, there’s probably a pro-life career for you. Plus, Students for Life just created a brand-new job board to help connect you with organizations that are hiring. Just visit www.prolifefuture.org/jobs to explore your options.
10) Share Pro-Life Content & Have Meaningful Conversations
Students for Life shares tons of amazing pro-life content on our social media channels every single day.
You are welcome to share anything we post. Our videos, articles, and graphics are powerful ways to start mind-changing conversations with your friends & family. Sometimes, all it takes for an abortion supporter to see from our point of view is a friendly dialogue and some straight-talk.
Not sure how to dialogue about abortion? There are several ways we can help.
- Reach out to your SFLA Regional Coordinator by emailing [yourstate]@studentsforlife.org. Your Regional Coordinator is a dialogue expert who can train you in pro-life apologetics.
- Visit www.askaprolifer.com if you have a question about abortion – anything at all. A member of our team will be glad to explore it with you.
- Subscribe to our History Maker Toolkit, which is the entire 2020 National Pro-Life Summit packaged conveniently online. Over 70 expert pro-life speakers lent us their wisdom this past January, and you can check it out anytime.
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