Category: Middle School
Twitter Launches New Witch-Hunt Forum Called “Birdwatch”
Brenna Lewis | January 28, 2021
In their never-ending quest for world domination (including total control over the speech of Americans), Twitter has launched a new forum called “Birdwatch.” This new project appears to be heir latest attempt to make sure only certain tweets are allowed. As Texas Senator Ted Cruz put it, “Big Tech is designating itself to be the sole arbiter of truth.”
North Dakota Judges Forced to Allow Down Syndrome Abortions Even Though They’re “Eugenic”
Brenna Lewis | January 20, 2021
Something unusual happened recently in a courthouse in Fargo, North Dakota. Two federal appeals judges, Ralph Erickson and Bobby Shepherd, were reviewing an Arkansas bill that would make it illegal to target babies with Down Syndrome for abortion. They wanted the bill to be allowed. But a 1992 judicial precedent forced them to deem it unconstitutional. So what did
31 U.S. Senators Try to Keep Planned Parenthood from Stealing More Money
Brenna Lewis | January 20, 2021
Back in May 2020, the coronavirus relief package approved by Congress sent out millions of dollars to aid small business as part of the PPP (Paycheck Protection Program). This money was set aside for small businesses. Now, does an organization with $1.6 billion dollars in revenue each year, roughly 1,200 employees, 600 brick-and-mortar affiliates, and some of the most powerful
Students for Life Visits 3 Abortion Facility Sidewalks in 3 Hours
Brenna Lewis | January 19, 2021
Every small team at Students for Life has bi-annual meetings to assess team health (and catch up with one another, given that we’re spread out across the country). When the West Coast half of the Field Team gathered in St. Louis, they decided to include some pro-life activism in their schedule… which meant visiting 3 different abortion facilities in
Is Students for Life Next on the Social Media Ban List?
Brenna Lewis | January 19, 2021
The big tech companies (including social media platforms) hold an insane amount of power over the public discourse. They control what is allowed to be said in posts, tweets, videos, and more. As long as they agree with it, it’s allowed to stay. Unfortunately… they are staunchly not on our side. No one could’ve predicted how quickly America’s precious free
Did the Pro-Life Movement Cause an Increase in Late-Term Abortions?
Brenna Lewis | January 14, 2021
The abortion lobby says yes. But the numbers tell a different story. The Journal of the American Medical Association recently published a study specific to Texas that assessed the state’s postponement of surgical abortion during the early months of COVID. The conclusion of the study seems certain that late-term abortion numbers increased as a result (something the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute
Missouri is Currently Abortion-Free, but With Strings Attached
Jessica Nardi | January 14, 2021
Missouri is on its way to becoming the first abortion-free state in the U.S. as all its abortion facilities are either currently closed or halted in operation. This is exciting news for the pro-life movement, however, that doesn’t mean Planned Parenthood isn’t finding ways to circumvent health and safety requirements to continue their dirty business.   A recent report from
Where to Find Students for Life in Washington, D.C.
Tina Whittington | January 12, 2021
Students for Life is headed to Washington, D.C. at the end of January even though the National Pro-Life March has switched to virtual attendance. And if you’re headed to the capital, too… we hope you’ll join us for one (or all) of the events we have on our itinerary. We’ll be doing pro-life activities from Wednesday, January 27th through
What Removing the Hyde Amendment Really Means
Jessica Nardi | January 11, 2021
President-elect Joe Biden has adamantly supported discarding the Hyde Amendment during his presidential campaign and that hasn’t changed as it gets closer to Inauguration Day. In short, the Hyde Amendment protects taxpayers from having their tax dollars used to fund abortions. Here’s what removing the Hyde Amendment actually means for Americans. What is the Hyde Amendment? The Hyde Amendment
Students for Life Action Knocked on Over 70,000 Doors in Georgia!
Brenna Lewis | January 8, 2021
On January 5th, a very important special election was held in Georgia. The stakes? Whether the U.S. Senate would retain majority pro-life control… or shift to majority pro-abortion control. With stakes like this, of course Students for Life Action (SFLAction) headed to Georgia to urge voters to #SavetheSenate and #VoteProLifeFirst. Nearly 200 students and staff traveled with Students for