Category: Middle School

Christmas Caroling Outside Abortion Facilities
Brenna Lewis | December 31, 2020
Guest Post by Chris Iverson, President of Chicago Pro-Life Future Each year for the past five years, Chicago Pro-life Future has participated in the tradition of singing beautiful Christmas carols outside an abortion facility. At our first event in 2016, Phil Corridon, a seasoned sidewalk counselor, said a woman came up to him a couple years ago and said

Eight Pro-Life Students Had 260 Conversations about Abortion This Year
Mary Briganti | December 31, 2020
Students for Life has a special group of students called The Effective Education Pillar Team. And they have been instrumental in changing the hearts and minds of pro-choice peers, despite the unique limitations COVID-19 restrictions have brought to college campuses. Many of our students’ pro-life events have been digital; however, that has not stopped this team from being able

Get to Washington, D.C. for the 2021 Pro-Life March Using THIS Code!
Brenna Lewis | December 29, 2020
As the annual National Pro-Life March approaches, we recognize that this year will look pretty different. Many Students for Life groups, youth groups, and families are wondering whether they will even be able to head to D.C. this year due to concerns about traveling in a motorcoach, along with other logistical considerations. With these challenges in mind, we have an exciting

Planned Parenthood Funded Biden’s Campaign and Now They Want It Back
Jessica Nardi | December 29, 2020
President-elect Joe Biden sold his soul to the abortion industry long ago, and now that he’s headed for the highest office in the land, it’s time for him to pay up. Planned Parenthood spent $45 million on Biden’s presidential campaign, and Alexis McGill Johnson, president of Planned Parenthood, says she wants “…an implementation decree on day one, within the

Top 5 Ways Pro-Life Students Took Down Planned Parenthood in 2020
Brenna Lewis | December 18, 2020
Planned Parenthood has a monopoly on abortion in America, committing 1/3 of the nation’s total abortions (over 340,000 per year). So the battle against abortion must include a battle against Planned Parenthood. Fortunately, Students for Life groups & leaders are up for the challenge. Pro-life students fought tirelessly against the abortion giant this year and made a difference for

Our Top 10 Inspirational Stories of Babies Saved & Moms Helped in 2020
Brenna Lewis | December 18, 2020
2020 was a challenging year for everyone – and moms facing unplanned pregnancies were certainly no exception. Students for Life works to help moms and babies every year, but the COVID-19 pandemic meant we had to get innovative and work that much harder to make sure young mothers knew they had support and options. As always, Students for Life groups

Pro-Abortion Twitter Account Posts Photo of Abortion Instruments as Christmas Tree Topper
Brenna Lewis | December 16, 2020
A Twitter account called “We are Pro-Abortion” (WAPA) retweeted a photo this week of abortion instruments (i.e. serrated forceps) being used as a Christmas tree topper. An account with this name posts many obscene things, but this one was decidedly over-the-top. The original poster ended up deleting the tweet and made their account private shortly thereafter. WAPA is a small

New Zealand Santa Parade Gets Complaints about Pro-Life Float
Jessica Nardi | December 16, 2020
Nothing spreads Christmas Spirit more than apologizing for a celebration of the gift of life. A “Santa” Christmas parade in Southland New Zealand later apologized for allowing a Christian float with pro-life messaging in the parade. Not like Christmas is a holiday originating from the birth of a child or anything. The float is shown for a few seconds

Midwifery Student Suspended Because She Believes Babies Should be Born
Jessica Nardi | December 16, 2020
A pro-life student at the University of Nottingham in England won a recent settlement after she was suspended from her midwife program for supporting the dignity of life. In her final year of study, Julia Rynkiewicz’s “fitness to practice” was questioned by the program because she served as president of the school’s Students for Life group. Rynkiewicz had to

WATCH OUT: Abortion Industry Considering Selling Chemical Abortion with New Name
Brenna Lewis | December 16, 2020
In a way, it’s tough to keep up with an industry that has no line they wouldn’t cross in the pursuit of profit – even if it hurts women. As part of their eternal quest for more money and less liability, the abortion industry is trying something new: calling chemical abortion drugs “missed period pills.” A new study says about 42%