People relentlessly mocked Costco for its recent recall of 80,000 pounds of butter because it failed to list its main ingredient, “milk,” despite it being labeled cream and named…well, butter.

Behind this comical recall is none other than the U.S. Federal Drug Administration (FDA), an administration that’s more concerned with the “mislabeling” of butter ingredients, enough to recall 80,000 pounds of a perfectly safe product, than recalling Chemical Abortion Pills over PROVEN dangers to women and children. The FDA would instead allow retail groups behind Costco and Walmart to remove the red tape around these deadly drugs and churn them out rather than safeguard them.
If only they cared about women and children the same way they care about butter packaging.
While it’s perfectly obvious that butter contains cream, abortion pundits’ packaging and presentation of Chemical Abortion Pills purposefully misrepresent what this deadly cocktail entails.
Planned Parenthood assures women that despite some bleeding, cramping, chills, and fever, Chemical Abortion Pills are “very safe,” with even Yale Medicine calling it “effective” with a “0.4% risk of serious complications.”
Charlotte Lozier Institute (CLI), however, found through a 2004-2015 study that ER visits for women after taking Chemical Abortion Pills were high compared to women visiting the ER for live births and miscarriages:
“Women who visit emergency rooms after taking abortion pills are more likely to be seen for serious medical problems than their cohorts whose pregnancies end with surgical abortions or live births, according to newly released research.
A peer-reviewed study of Medicaid-eligible women by researchers at the pro-life Charlotte Lozier Institute found they were ‘significantly more likely to have a severe or critical acuity rating” within 30 days of using the two-drug abortion protocol than were other women seen at ERs.’”

Three years prior, CLI discovered abortion-related Emergency Room (ER) visits skyrocketed, reporting, “The rate of abortion-related emergency room visits following a chemical abortion increased over 500% from 2002 through 2015, according to an analysis of Medicaid claims data. Over the same period, chemical abortions within the study population increased from 4.4% to 34.1% of total abortions.”
Mind you, this is seven years before Roe v. Wade’s reversal and the rise of Chemical Abortion Pills, which now make up 63% of abortions compared to 31% in 2014.
Number of ER visits have likely continued to skyrocket since 2015.
Even then, the “less severe” side effects they acknowledge but quickly skip over shouldn’t be ignored. Physical complications, including profuse bleeding, blot clots, body shakes, nausea, diarrhea, uncontrollable sweating, fever, and chills are common symptoms. Other dangers include severe pain, infection, short-lasting hot flashes, and undetected ectopic pregnancy, which is life-threatening. One influencer who shared her abortion online recalled cramps like labor pains, involuntary body jerking, and “weird thrashing motions and banging my head against things.”
READ: 10 Reasons to Add Chemical Abortion Pills to Your HATE List
But sure, FDA. Recall safe and non-threatening butter sticks while Chemical Abortion Pills litter our food and water supply, kill innocent children, cause irreversible psychological damage, and inflict ER-worthy and life-threatening pain.

A 2017 study surveying 1,000 women who had a chemical abortion reported the following:
- Seven of them reported needing a blood transfusion afterward.
- Twenty-six reported needing antibiotics for an infection.
- For 50 women, the drugs failed, and they received a surgical abortion.
- Ninety-three reported experiencing any symptom for which they were advised to seek medical advice, and 87 sought help.
Not to mention that 32 women died from Chemical Abortion Pills – that we know of.
LEARN MORE: Chemical Abortion
So, where exactly is that much-needed warning label?
Meanwhile, faith groups organized by the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) are working 10 times as hard to convince retailers like Walmart, Kroger, and Costco to resist political pressure to sell these dangerous pills immediately.
If it’s this easy to do a mass recall on a harmless mislabel of butter, it should be just as easy and urgent to recall deadly drugs over severe risk to women’s health and, most importantly, the death of preborn children.
There’s no way to butter up that gruesome reality.
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