While former President Donald Trump garnered over 20 million views on Joe Rogan’s podcast over the weekend, Vice President Kamala Harris made headlines for infuriating Beyonce fans and Michele Obama fanning the flame of fear among female voters.
The issue at the center of these failed pandering efforts to gain voters is, you guessed it, abortion. And not just abortion but women’s “undying need” and “desire” for it. Check out these viral moments that send that argument falling flat on its face.
Harris Plays Bait-and-Switch with Beyonce
After teasing the star-studded pop star Beyonce would perform at one of Harris’ rallies, she finally did it in the Lone Star state.

Well, kind of.
As the audience anticipated her performance, a concert and Houston campaign stop in one, instead, Beyonce rambled on how “as a mother,” she wishes more moms could kill their kids in utero, begging men and women to vote for a platform built on preborn death.
“I’m not here as a celebrity…I’m here as a mother,” proclaimed Beyonce, as she advocated for “a world where we have the freedom to control our bodies.”
As if the glaring contradiction between being a mother and advocating for more dead preborn babies was terrible enough, she encouraged the crowd to “sing a new song” without singing a single hit, giving up the stage to Harris.
After the crowd realized they were duped, the applause was exchanged for “boos” as Harris began to speak.
Many in the crowd seemed to come for the free Beyonce concert and not “reproductive freedom for all.” Instead, they got a three-minute speech, which was more infuriating to them than fuming over “abortion rights.”
Abortion “Doctors” Take the Stage but Don’t Know How to Save a Life
At Harris’ Houston rally, a group of abortion “doctors” took the stage in solidarity with the right to kill kids while doing NOTHING when a real medical emergency takes place in their midst. This couldn’t have been more blatantly symbolic of their focus and telling of their mindset:
Abortionists are more comfortable with death than saving a life. After all, they end lives for a living, not save them.
This is in stark contrast to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis inviting pro-life doctors on stage to oppose Amendment 4, which would enshrine abortion up until birth.
Men for Kamala Ad Promotes Porn
In a desperate attempt to create a “winning” issue for men, Harris’ new campaign ad made porn “rights” to men what abortion “rights” are to women. It didn’t go over well, as the new Democrat Party showed their hand as the protector of everything grotesque, including most specifically abortion, instead of protecting families.
Kamala Harris Supporter Screams at a Baby
A Kamala Harris supporter from the party of “joy” embodied Harris’s stance on children, ideally by angrily screaming at a baby. Again, this shouldn’t be a surprise, given that Harris’ campaign is on the shaky foundation of abortion up until birth, which is the ultimate hatred of children.
Michelle Obama Fear Mongers Women AND Men During Michigan Rally
Michelle Obama took the verbal hammer to men, essentially telling them that if they don’t vote for abortion, they don’t honestly care for the women in their lives.
“To the men who love us, let me just try to paint a picture of what it will feel like if America — the wealthiest nation on earth — keeps revoking basic care from its women. And how it will affect every single woman in your life,” said Obama, referring to abortion as “basic care.” She continues. “We will see more doctors hesitating or shying away from providing lifesaving treatments because they are worried about being arrested; more medical students reconsidering even pursuing women’s health at all; more OB-GYN clinics without enough doctors to meet demand, closing their doors, leaving untold numbers of women in communities throughout this country without a place to go for basic gynecological care, which in turn will leave millions of us at risk of undiagnosed medical issues like cervical and uterine cancers. This is real.”

This is, in fact, not accurate – this is classic fearmongering. In cases like Amber Thurman, it was the Chemical Abortion Pills that killed her and her preborn children, the “basic care” that Obama describes. Furthermore, it’s up to trained medical professionals to know the law and terminology, specifically the differences between abortion, ectopic pregnancies, miscarriages, and molar pregnancies. It’s not the law’s job to expand itself because of ignorance from those who should know.
So, Harris tried to get people infuriated about abortion, but they were more upset about no Beyonce concert. She tried to show how abortionists “care,” but when it came to someone in the crown needing medical assistance, they froze. Then, Michelle Obama and Harris tried to fearmonger men into supporting their girlfriends’ and wives’ abortions and taking away their porn, which is an insulting message to men.
Harris had a horrible campaigning weekend. And who’s surprised? Abortion is an awful message.
READ NEXT: I Went Undercover at a Late-Term Abortionist’s Book Signing: What I Learned was Appalling
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