Jordan Estabrook - 19 Sep 2024
There’s missing information and questions about the case in Georgia, where in 2022, after Roe v. Wade’s reversal, Amber Nicole Thurman died, along with her twins, after taking Chemical Abortion Pills. Here’s what we know about these three tragic deaths and Students for Life of America’s (SFLA) key takeaways.

Confirmed Facts About What Happened to Amber Nicole Thurman (According to
- A woman pregnant WITH TWINS took Chemical Abortion Pills.
- The article indicates she wanted a surgical abortion, so she and a friend drove to North Carolina but were late and missed her appointment.
- So, the abortion vendor distributed Chemical Abortion Pills.
- Once at home, she became very ill and eventually went to a Georgia Emergency Room (ER), where treatment was discussed.
- Georgia law limits abortion to early in a pregnancy, but the law does allow for saving a mother’s life.
- The young mother was reportedly experiencing infection – sepsis. The story says that after 20 hours, surgery took place, but the infection killed her.
- The level of informed consent is unknown.
- We don’t know if anyone told her she had other options.
- We don’t know if there was a discussion of the fact that her pregnancy held twins or whether it was discussed that the dosage might not work for that pregnancy.
- We don’t know if she was told about services for women or the health risks of Chemical Abortion Pills.
- We don’t know if an ultrasound was offered that could have shown her condition in full.
IMPORTANT Questions:
- Did anyone tell the mother about her options, like choosing life and then considering adoption or raising her children?
- Did the abortion pill distributor tell a woman pregnant with twins the risks?
- Where is the investigation into how these pills are handed out – without checking for life-threatening ectopic pregnancies, or in this case, twins?
- Did this precious mother know this risk?
What We DO Know:
- We know a family is grieving and hurt, and SFLA grieves with them.
- We know that Chemical Abortion Pills are recklessly and dangerously distributed without an honest conversation of the risks.
- The abortion lobby doesn’t seem to care WHO dies as long as a baby doesn’t make it, because if they did, THEY would insist on ultrasounds and detailed informed consent for mothers.
- An ultrasound before and after handing out the pills is what was reported as the standard of care when former President Bill Clinton pushed the pills on the market.
- Charlotte Lozier reports that chemical abortions are over 50% more likely than surgical abortions to result in an ER visit within 30 days, with one woman experiencing an abortion-related ER visit for every 20 chemical abortions.
- We do know that even when “used as directed,” Chemical Abortion Pills are risky, and those risks are negligently placed on young women to figure out for themselves whether the complications they are experiencing demand more care.
- Their rush to distribute deadly drugs while allowing the abortion lobby to cut costs by cutting health and safety standards should be the headlines we are reading today.
- Instead, abortion supporters want to pretend that the doctors in Emergency Rooms – which was the focus of intense discussion at the Supreme Court – are the problem.
- Those of us who track the issue of Chemical Abortion Pills have heard the media apologists for the deadly duo of drugs say that they are usually “safe,” which isn’t the same as actually safe. The REMS – Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategies – put in place are for when things go wrong, but to end life quickly, SAFETY is replaced with SPEED.
- It’s long overdue for a hard look at the dangers of casual distribution of pills designed to kill.
- A lawsuit of epic proportions should be brought against Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, the Biden Administration’s FDA, et al., for being willing to risk women’s lives by fighting against:
- In-person care with an ultrasound, blood tests for Rh negative status and treatment if needed, and informed consent.
- Follow-up care.
- Tracking of complications
Bottom line: these pills kill.
READ NEXT: Amber Thurman could have died in a pro-abortion state like Keisha Atkins did. Here’s why.
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