I Went Undercover at a Late-Term Abortionist’s Book Signing: What I Learned was Appalling   

Savanna Deretich - 24 Oct 2024

As Students for Life Action’s (SFLAction) Government Affairs Coordinator, I spend hours of my day talking to legislators and writing letters about the horrors of chemical and surgical abortion, as well as combatting the lies that late-term abortion doesn’t exist. Very rarely do I talk to abortionists themselves. After hearing that late-term abortionist Dr. Curtis Boyd was visiting Washington, D.C., I knew I had to see him face-to-face, a man who has thousands of babies’ blood on his hands and gleefully boasts about it.  

Dr. Curtis Boyd and his wife, Dr. Glenna Halvorson-Boyd, were both abortionists for decades from before Roe was the law of the land, during, and after. In fact, Mother Jones reports that “(b)efore Roe, Dr. Curtis Boyd provided illegal abortions.”  

The pair were influential in founding the National Abortion Federation, an organization dedicated to the slaughter of preborn children that makes up the rules for abortion vendors.  I attended his talk and book signing for the pair’s tome, We Choose To.   

I Asked Dr. Boyd for “Help” 

The title should’ve been “We Choose to Slaughter Children” because that’s precisely what they do and what they even offered to do for me.   

I ran into Boyd before the event even began and wanted to see if he actually would offer to set up a late-term abortion. It’s one thing to “hear” about late-term abortion, but it’s another to look a late-term abortionist in the eyes and ask.  

When it was my turn, I asked if he could help a fictional friend who was eight months pregnant and needed her “problem” taken care of, considering his deadly experience. He immediately said YES and started giving me the names of abortionists to contact, including one in Colorado who would “stretch” the limits for my friend who was said to be very late term into her pregnancy.  

Problem solved, he and his wife let me know.  



I walked away with knots in my stomach, horrified at his willful happiness to kill a preborn baby who would be nearly fully developed, fully able to feel pain, and likely able to live outside the womb. (Eight months of pregnancy – 32 weeks – is far past the viability time frame of 20 to 25 weeks as a baby is ever stronger with healthier lungs.) 

During the entire conversation, I felt sick. Too many lives were cruelly taken because of this Bonnie and Clyde abortion duo, dedicated to offering death to women’s children under the guise of “loving care.” A man and woman, both married doctors, have taken more life than they have created it.   

These so-called “doctors” dismembered precious children and physically and mentally scarred countless women.   

Boyd’s “Joy” From Killing Children and Attendee’s Cognitive Dissonance 

The book discussion was just as disgusting as my conversation with him. Boyd mentioned how both abortions and live births gave him “joy,” the mark of a man wholly desensitized to the evil that he performs for money. What could possibly be “euphoric” and “empowering,” according to Boyd, about dismembering a helpless child?   


Before the discussion began, many attendees expressed concern for their safety as though pro-life people might commit violence or disruption. They said without any regard for the violence of abortion committed every day.  

Even the bookstore staff couldn’t identify the glaring cognitive dissonance and out-of-touch concerns, comforting attendees that they “wouldn’t be disturbed” as if what Boyd did for a living wasn’t disturbing enough.   

Boyd Avoids Questions on the Dangers of Chemical Abortion Pills 

Virginia Regional Coordinator Zach Sprouse joined me and was just as appalled by his stance on Chemical Abortion Pills. He recalled to me sitting through the book signing and seeing smiling faces as Boyd shared his experience, which included an illegal abortion on a 16-year-old girl and how “life-changing” it was.  

When Sprouse asked him why they did not require an ultrasound for a chemical abortion and the risk of ectopic pregnancies, he stated that ultrasounds were no longer needed to identify ectopic pregnancies. Therefore, it is unnecessary, and they can discover ectopic pregnancies in other ways. His answer lacked substance and was disappointing for a “medical professional.” 

When asked about why RH-negative women are not administered Rhogam shots during chemical abortions to prevent the risk of infertility, he simply stated that it is no longer an issue and that Women are not at risk of infertility in this scenario, which is hardly a scientific answer. But then again, science is NOT on his side.  

Both of his answers were wrong and put both women’s fertility and lives at risk. It is clear that the National Abortion Federation prioritizes abortion over women’s health. 

Boyd Admits to Past Illegal and Reckless Abortions that Put Women’s Lives at Risk 

Toward the end of the book discussion, Dr. Curtis Boyd openly admitted he did many illegal abortions before Roe, and even though he was never trained, they were “pretty easy” to do if they were in the first trimester.   

Does that sound like a man who truly cares about women?  

He brazenly admitted he even taught his nurses and their staff, who were not doctors, to perform these abortions because, after all, “anyone can do it if they have good hands.” 

Dr. Boyd continued to say that he trained himself week by week to go father in pregnancy for abortions.  

The Boyds say they share a “commitment to women,” but it’s more of an oath to kill the most vulnerable and avoid responsibility for their actions. Even when Boyd mentioned a woman who told him she still carried pain and guilt from her abortion, he blamed the pro-life movement rather than the movement that profited from the death of the preborn, amounting to over 60 million lives torn from their mother’s womb.   

May we, the Pro-Life Generation (PLG) and the American people, never be afraid to look evil in the eye and never grow numb to the most significant human atrocity of our day.   

READ NEXT: “Call Her Daddy” Host and Kamala Harris Should’ve Called Us to Correct Their Abortion Nonsense – We Did it Anyway

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