Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz has made waves over the past two weeks for his extreme abortion stances and for allowing his state to burn to the ground during the George Floyd riots. In 2020, let’s not forget while his state was engulfed in flames and rioters turned it into rubble, he said he was fighting for justice. Meanwhile, Students for Life of America (SFLA) showed that PREBORN BLACK LIVES MATTER.

SFLA reported in 2020 that “Though only 13 percent of the female population, African American women make up 38 percent of all reported abortions. Perhaps that is because four out of five Planned Parenthood vendors are within walking distance of minority-dense neighborhoods, according to a Supreme Court amicus brief.”
Fast forward to 2024, and the mainstream media is freaking out about it, as they cry about pro-life laws post-Roe affecting Black women more. You know, because the abortion industry sets up facilities where Black communities are.
Look at some alarming statistics:
- Black women have the highest abortion rate by far.
- Almost 80% of Planned Parenthood’s abortion facilities are located in minority neighborhoods.
- 88% of its new “mega facilities” are within walking distance of minority neighborhoods.
- The abortion ratio is 401 abortions per 1,000 live births.
- In some cities, like New York, more black babies are aborted than born.
- In America today, a Black child is five times more likely to be killed in the womb than a white child.
- About 13% of American women are Black, but they submit to over 38% of the abortions.
- More African Americans have died from abortion than from AIDS, accidents, violent crimes, cancer, and heart disease combined.
- Since 1973, abortion has reduced the Black population by over 25%.
Let’s jog your memory with how we actually helped advocate for Black lives, unlike Walz.
Launching Our “Black Preborn Lives Matter” Campaign
As rioters chanted “Black Lives Matter” while burning Black businesses, we got to work sending a different message about the number of Black lives killed in the womb in America. According to Congress, 19 million Black lives were killed in the womb, and since abortion continues to persist, that number is climbing.
We chalked or painted “Black Preborn Lives Matter” in D.C., Maryland, and New York. We took our trusty washable and got up early in the morning to write an important message in downtown Baltimore, Maryland, writing the obvious: Preborn Black Lives Matter.

Other organizational partners, including Pro-Black Pro-Life, Relationships Matter, Human Coalition Action, The Restoration Project: Human Coalition, and Created Equal, supported and joined us.
Baltimore citizens weren’t the only ones to notice – Vice was particularly peeved at us for telling the truth about how abortion targets the Black community. Baltimore messaging was a success.
However, we were met with opposition to our free speech rights and arrest in Washington, D.C.
After SFLA applied for a permit to chalk outside of D.C.’s Planned Parenthood, following all the proper steps, the police told our two staffers that if anyone wrote on the street, they would be arrested. The two staffers listened to their constitutional rights to free speech rather than the police, who seemed to have forgotten them. After writing one word, they were arrested.
READ: BREAKING: “Black Preborn Lives Matter” Street Painting Cancelled as D.C. Police ARREST Pro-Lifers
“We are suing you (D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser) for violating our First Amendment rights to free expression,” said SFLA Executive Vice President Tina Whittington at a press conference. “You’re going to see us on billboards all across Washington, D.C., with our message ‘Black Preborn Lives Matter.’”
SFLA also made our mark in New York, an abortion capital for Black preborn lives, and while we were able to paint our message, it got vandalized.

Despite some significant and minor obstacles, the painting was still a success. After all, the media noticed, and our message spread further.
Black Preborn Lives Matter Billboards
During the same news conference that called out Mayor Bowser, SFLA and Students for Life Action (SFLAction), along with the Frederick Douglass Foundation and Human Coalition Action, announced the launch of a series of billboards across the country, including Philadelphia, Detroit, Phoenix, Atlanta, and Charlotte. The billboards called on President Trump and other pro-life leaders to defund Planned Parenthood and to disavow its racist past which persists today as Black lives are disproportionately lost to abortion.

Sadly, Walz betrayed not only Black lives, but lives of all ethnicities when he signed a piece of legislation in 2023 allowing abortion up until birth, even infanticide, in Minnesota. But, as we recall and bring to light Walz’s failings, know that SFLA is always ready to counter for Life.
READ NEXT: Our Latest Op-Ed: I watched as Gov. Tim Walz let my home state of Minnesota burn — SFL Action
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