Students for Life Action Criticizes Abortion Lobby’s Push For More Federal Funding For Abortions

Brenna Lewis - 25 Mar 2020

WASHINGTON D.C. (03-24-2020) – Students for Life Action President Kristan Hawkins said that holding up an aid package designed to offer aid and save lives at risk from the coronavirus crisis by insisting on taxpayer funds to Planned Parenthood “represents the most heartless, inhumane political cruelty I’ve ever seen. Abortion activists need to drop their demands so that aid to Americans in need can proceed.”

According to reports, Senate Democrats are refusing to advance an aid package unless a shopping list of goodies for political allies is included – all on the taxpayers’ dime.

“Voters should have understood how powerful the abortion lobby was when the Senate was unable to come to agreement that infanticide was wrong,” said Hawkins. “But Planned Parenthood’s effort to get even more than $600 million from taxpayers by fear-mongering over the coronavirus crisis is a new low – even for the nation’s number one abortion vendor.”

Students for Life is encouraging people across the country to let their Governors know that abortion is not essential to everyday life. Click here to learn more.

Click here to read more on how the abortion industry is misusing the coronavirus crisis to expand their influence and get more funding.

Click here to read about SFLA’s from Campus to Computers on-line education events, as students across the country advocate for life from home.

To read Top 10 Reasons Women don’t need Planned Parenthood in Title X, another taxpayer funded program, click here.

For media interviews, e-mail Kristi at [email protected]


Students for Life of America is the nation’s largest, pro-life, youth organization. Headquartered in Fredericksburg, VA, SFLA serves more than 1200 groups on college, universities and high school campuses in all 50 states.

Students for Life Action is the c4 arm of Students for Life and engages the Pro-Life Generation to create a post-Roe America.

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