Category: leadership

Students for Life Leader Starts Non-Profit to Help Other Adoptees
Brenna Lewis | May 4, 2021
Guest Post by Annie Fitzgerald SFLA Christian Leadership Fellow On January 2020, I first shared my testimony of adoption at a high school pro-life retreat right before the March for Life. Sharing my own story ignited a passion for me and made me want to do more in the pro-life movement which is exactly why I decided to get

Survivors of Sex Trafficking Beg Illinois to Pass THIS Abortion Law
Brenna Lewis | May 3, 2021
Parental notification for abortions prevents the continued sexual exploitation by abusers who use abortion to cover up their crimes. Regardless of whether you are pro-choice or pro-life, we can find common ground on this issue. We should all agree that we should make it as difficult as possible for sex traffickers and sexual abusers to cover up their crimes

Pro-Abortion “Feminists” Canceled Me — So I Started a Newspaper
Brenna Lewis | May 3, 2021
Guest Post by Chloe Folmar President of William and Mary’s Tribe for Life In October, I was part of Students for Life’s SCOTUS Squad, living in Washington, D.C. and advocating for the confirmation of Justice Amy Coney Barrett. One of the highlights during our time there was the Women’s March. As it approached the Supreme Court, other representatives for

Students for Life of America Urges Removal of Memorials to Racist Planned Parenthood Founder Margaret Sanger
Autumn Doersching | April 21, 2021
STUDENTS FOR LIFE OF AMERICA URGES REMOVAL OF MEMORIALS TO RACIST PLANNED PARENTHOOD FOUNDER MARGARET SANGER “Margaret Sanger’s legacy cannot be hidden or covered up by mere words or apologies, or simply by acknowledging Planned Parenthood’s racist roots,” said Toni McFadden. “Reckoning with its own racism means Planned Parenthood must take action to address its racist present, the disproportionate loss

Students for Life Action on the TOP 5 REASONS to oppose D.C. Statehood and urges NO VOTE on H.R. 51
Autumn Doersching | April 21, 2021
Reporting on behalf of our sister organization, Students for Life Action. MEDIA NOTE: H.R. 51 is a scored vote on the Pro-Life Generation Scorecard “The District of Columbia was established to be a bi-partisan haven and instead would become a politically correct bully, especially in the U.S. Senate,” said SFLAction President Kristan Hawkins. WASHINGTON D.C. (04-21-2021) — This week, members

Hopeful Pro-Life Chalk Messages ERASED on Texas Campus
Brenna Lewis | March 31, 2021
A common, effective way for pro-life students to spread information, hope, and truth about abortion is via sidewalk chalk. Hundreds of chalking events take place on campuses each school year. Unfortunately, it’s nearly as common for pro-abortion students (and faculty) to vandalize the artwork. Most recently, Tarleton Students for Life in Stephenville, Texas found themselves victims of such persecution.

National Pro-Life Chalk Day 2021 – Here are the Winners!
Caroline Wharton | March 31, 2021
The Pro-Life Generation showed up for women and children for National Pro-Life Chalk Day this March! Groups chalked everything from the phone number of local pregnancy health organizations to messages like “you are loved,” and did an amazing job spreading a life-affirming message across the country. This National Chalk Day was a success thanks to each of our participants. Now, it’s time to announce our winners…

Pro-Life Students Confront “Sex Week” at University of Tennessee
Brenna Lewis | March 31, 2021
Every year, college campuses across the country host something called “Sex Week.” The events included vary from campus to campus, but commonly include things like condom fashion shows, drag shows, panels on phone sex and prostitution, pro-porn and BDSM presentations, and of course, plenty of faulty lessons about abortion and contraception. For example, see Ohio State’s 2021 Sex Week

We Knocked on Over 2,000 Doors in Phoenix Last Weekend!
Brenna Lewis | March 30, 2021
As part of our new Campaign for Abortion Free Cities, Students for Life is participating in monthly community door knocking in twenty cities nationwide. In each city, our goal is to directly reduce the abortion rate by increasing awareness of non-violent abortion alternatives, decreasing support of the predatory abortion industry, and changing hearts and minds about abortion. This campaign

Pro-Choice Stranger Rips Up Students’ Signs in Portland
Brenna Lewis | March 17, 2021
Each fall and spring, a 40 Days for Life Campaign takes place in cities across America. During this campaign, pro-life advocates visit the sidewalks outside of abortion facilities, either to engage in sidewalk advocacy or simply provide a loving presence. Many pro-life students who participate bring sidewalk chalk and write compassionate messages for expecting mothers to see. This is