Category: leadership

High Schooler Organizes 500 PEOPLE for a Pro-Life Walk
Mary Briganti | June 10, 2021
This past January, many were still unsure about COVID-19 and the safety of travel. As a result, the National Pro-Life March was made digital and the standard hundreds of thousands of pro-lifers who typically make the pilgrimage were left to carry out their own activism in their home cities. This was the case for Valeria Guerrero, an SFLA Stevens

This Summer, A Historic Gathering of Pro-Life Students Will Come Together
Brenna Lewis | June 3, 2021
We have come to the edge of a wave that has brought us nearly two decades of pro-life laws that have saved thousands and begun to hold the abortion industry accountable. Even with the most pro-abortion administration to date working against the pro-life movement, victory is still in sight. And this summer, Students for Life is hosting a HISTORIC,

Regent Students for Life Raises over $7,000 for Their Local Pregnancy Center
Stephanie Stone | June 2, 2021
Regent Students for Life is devoted to helping women and families choose life, and they are a prime example of what our students are doing across the nation every day. Every time I visit Regent’s campus, there is some new initiative, fundraiser, or event related to supporting local Pregnancy Help Organizations and local women. Most recently, the group raised

Here’s Why NARAL is Wrong About the Pro-Life Movement
Brenna Lewis | June 1, 2021
“For decades, the anti-choice movement has attempted to brand itself as ‘pro-life,’ but it’s not hard to see through their charade.” ㅡNARAL Guest post by Ben Ice (SFLA Stevens Fellow) and Mary Carmen Zakrajsek (SFLA Indianapolis Regional Intern) NARAL Pro-Choice America attempts to support their lies by claiming pro-lifers seek to dismantle women’s healthcare, otherwise known as “denying funding”

Students for Life of America Students Lead HUGE Pro-Life Training Camp in Africa
Brenna Lewis | May 26, 2021
John Mark Porter is an active pro-life student from South Carolina who wrote his thesis on designing pro-life camps for leadership training in Uganda. Richard Sempala is the director of the Africa Life Youth Foundation, a pro-life ministry. Together, they created something amazing. John Mark shared in January: “In December, I went and we taught three two-day camps in

Fresno Student Who Chose Life Walks Graduation with Daughter
Brenna Lewis | May 24, 2021
Walking through campus during undergrad at Fresno State, Jessica came across the Fresno State Students for Life table. The student group had various literature on abortion and life-affirming support along with 12-week-old fetal models. Jessica thought the fetal models were very cute and asked if she could take one home with her. About two weeks later, she found out

“Black Baby Lives Matter” Display Repeatedly Vandalized on Milwaukee Campus
Brenna Lewis | May 20, 2021
Earlier this month, Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE) Right to Life put together a creative public display to highlight lives lost to abortion. Unfortunately, abortion-supporting students believe that pro-life students should be silenced. The students shared their story… By Rylie Gill, MSOE Right to Life The Black Baby Lives matter display was put up on May 4th at 6am

Pro-Choice Student Approaches Pro-Life Tabling Event, Says “I Eat Babies for Breakfast”
Brenna Lewis | May 19, 2021
Guest post by Kathryn Schneider, President of Del Norte Students for Life in San Diego, CA In mid-April, our group tabled at our school’s “Club Rush” so that our peers could learn more about our club. We hoped to gain new members and start conversations about the pro-life movement. While we did gain a few members and some encouragement,

This is What Happens When You Bring Pro-Lifers to Cornell University
Mary Briganti | May 19, 2021
Autumn Cramer, a junior at Cornell University and the founder of the Cornelians for Life group, hosted three nationally renowned pro-life speakers at Cornell University to jumpstart the conversation about abortion on her campus. To foster engagement, Cornelians for Life hosted Kristan Hawkins, president of SFLA; Michele Sterlace, executive director of Feminists Choosing Life of New York and special

High Schooler Discovered She’s Pregnant MOMENTS Before We Knocked on Her Door with Resources
Brenna Lewis | May 5, 2021
The team at Students for Life of America is assembling pro-life activists to launch the multi-faceted Campaign for Abortion Free Cities in 20 select cities. In each of these cities, our goal is to directly reduce the abortion rate by increasing awareness of non-violent abortion alternatives, decreasing support of the predatory abortion industry, and changing hearts and minds about