Category: Featured
Students for Life is Making Sure This Pro-Life Democrat Comes Through for Amy Coney Barrett
Brenna Lewis | October 20, 2020
This week, Students for Life of America team members traveled to several cities throughout West Virginia to urge Senator Joe Manchin to vote to confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court. These stops kicked off our Justice4Life tour, which will take place in 10 states throughout this week, as we make our enthusiasm and support heard for this judicial nominee.
What Reversing Roe v. Wade Means (and Doesn’t Mean)
Brenna Lewis | October 20, 2020
The 1973 Supreme Court case that legalized abortion on demand through all nine months and for any reason (alongside its companion case, Doe v. Bolton) is known as Roe v. Wade. The only reason abortion up until birth is not the law of the land in every state is thanks to states’ abilities to enact their own abortion limits… though late-term abortion is the
ANNOUNCING: Chalk the Vote National Chalk Day Challenge
Mary Briganti | October 16, 2020
Join the Chalk the Vote Challenge Tuesday, October 20th! Register here. As President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett navigates the hearing process of her confirmation, we will be traveling to key states with our #Justice4Life tour to educate on the importance of pro-life judges. So, for National Pro-Life Chalk Day, we need you to join these efforts
Meet the 2020-2021 Stevens Fellows
Mary Briganti | October 15, 2020
Ten high school students are taking on projects in each of the Five Pillars throughout this school year that will impact campuses and communities across the country, both in person and digitally. Meet these fellows: Aliyah Duran Liberty University Online Centreville, VA 2021 Aliyah is a senior homeschool student, taking courses online and will graduate next May. She is
Meet the 2020-2021 Wilberforce Fellows
Mary Briganti | October 15, 2020
20 college students are taking on projects throughout this school year that will impact campuses and communities across the country, both in person and digitally. Meet four of the fellows and their projects: Max Montana from Boston College will be taking on the “BC Diaper Deck Initiative”. Max noticed his campus doesn’t have diaper changing stations readily available in
Order Your Sock the Vote Activism Kit NOW!
Mary Briganti | October 15, 2020
The Sock the Vote Campus Tour will make 300 stops across the country this fall with eye-catching interactive banners, an extremism-exposing game, 2,362 baby socks to represent the number of abortions that are committed each day in the U.S., and a pledge to vote pro-life, as well as buttons, stickers, and other giveaways. Unable to host the full tour? You can still encourage students to vote pro-life first this fall with
Pro-Life Students Harassed on Minnesota Campus During Life Chain Event
Mary Briganti | October 15, 2020
Life Chain Sunday is known for its powerful, prayerful presence by thousands who stand in solidarity across the country to remember the preborn. Although groups are not always met with support, this event is generally a peaceful way to kick off Respect Life Month. Not this year. Winona Students for Life President Jamie Scherdin was interrupted and verbally harassed while making a social media post about the group’s presence at the
Students for Life Action Knocked on 2,000 Doors in One Weekend!
Caroline Wharton | October 15, 2020
Student volunteers with our sister organization, Students for Life Action, spent last weekend knocking on doors and encouraging voters to #VoteProLifeFirst on November 3rd. There were door-knocking deployments in cities nationwide – but in Montana, volunteers knocked on over 2,000 doors in just one weekend! That’s the impact the Pro-Life Generation can make. Students over the age of 18
This Public College REFUSES to Let a Students for Life Group Start
Brenna Lewis | October 15, 2020
Last week, the NISG (Northern Iowa Student Government) rejected the UNI Students for Life Group’s request for approval. The NISG decided that despite school rules against viewpoint discrimination, they would not allow the group because they disagreed with their pro-life position. The pro-life student leader, Sophia Schuster, fought the NISGs decision by appealing to the school’s Supreme Court.
Pro-Life Chalk Messages Destroyed by University of New Mexico STAFF!
Jessica Nardi | October 15, 2020
SFLA’s sidewalk chalk messaging was destroyed by staff members at the University of New Mexico (UNM) on October 8. A Facebook video shows the staff members pouring buckets of water on the chalk before sweeping it away. The students chalked life-affirming messages such as “UNM deserves better than Abortion” and “You don’t need Abortion. UNM SFL can Help”