Category: college
No, Pro-Lifers Don’t Have to Adopt to be Pro-Life
Brenna Lewis | February 26, 2020
At Students for Life, we hear it all and we’ve seen it all. People have hit us with jump ropes and thrown human excrement at us in front of government buildings, college students dress up as vaginas and protest our displays, students approach us on campus and argue the morality of euthanizing children up through toddlerhood… You name it, we’ve
Florida Students Tell Planned Parenthood: ‘We Don’t Want You In Our State’
Brenna Lewis | February 25, 2020
The pro-life movement is motivated by the desire to protect all human life from the moment of conception. We know that all human beings have inherent dignity and are worthy of protection. So when Florida students heard that Planned Parenthood wanted to open a new abortion facility in Port St. Lucie, Florida, they started organizing with other pro-life groups to
DISGUSTING! Vandals Steal and Destroy Hundreds Of Pro-Life Posters At Cal-Poly
Brenna Lewis | February 25, 2020
Vandals at the Cal-Poly in San Luis Obispo, California have stolen or destroyed hundreds of posters promoting Kristan Hawkins’ upcoming speech on Thursday, February 27th. Hawkins’ is visiting campuses this Spring to continue her “Make Abortion Illegal Again” speaking tour. According to Kelsea Forward, the vice-president of Cal-Poly Students for Life, “Between January 22nd and February 19th, Cal-Poly Students for
Pro-Life Groups Unite In New York To Push Back Against Andrew Cuomo’s Abortion Policies
Brenna Lewis | February 25, 2020
A number of pro-life groups, including local New York Students for Life groups united recently to push Monroe County to pass a resolution rejecting the Reproductive Health Act, which was signed by Governor Andrew Cuomo last year and legalized abortion through all nine months of pregnancy. After signing the legislation, Andrew Cuomo ordered the One World Trade Center to be
Students for Life is Changing Minds about Abortion Using Campus Displays
Brenna Lewis | February 24, 2020
Students for Life’s spring display tour, Heart to Heart, is all about first trimester fetal heartbeats. The human heart begins to beat by the 21st day after conception – something many people, especially abortion supporters, do not know. Intellectually-honest folks know that human life biologically begins at conception, but starting conversations about how heartbeats are undeniable a sign of life has
Kristan Hawkins Embarks on “Make Abortion Illegal Again” Tour
Brenna Lewis | February 24, 2020
Students for Life of America President Kristan Hawkins returns to college campuses this week with her second round of appearances on the theme “Make Abortion Illegal Again.” This boldly-named speaking tour addresses the ways that abortion harms women, children – born and preborn – and society at large. The popular lecture tour launches this week at Notre Dame on Tuesday.
“Make Abortion Illegal Again,” Kristan Hawkins’ 2020 College Speaking Tour, Launches This Week at Notre Dame
Kristi Hamrick | February 24, 2020
“The myth that women ‘need’ abortion to succeed is insulting and harmful to efforts to achieve female empowerment,” said Hawkins. “This tour we explore the facts about abortion, the myths of Roe, and how much better off women will be without both.” WASHINGTON D.C. (02-24-2020) – Students for Life of America President Kristan Hawkins returns to college and university
Join Us March 4th at the Protect Women, Protect Life Rally
Brenna Lewis | February 21, 2020
Every American, regardless of their stance on abortion, should have an interest in protecting the health and safety of women at abortion facilities. Act 620, a 2014 law passed in Louisiana that is now being reviewed by the Supreme Court in the June Medical case, does exactly that. It’s about safety for women. And the abortion industry is fighting it hard.
Pro-Abortion Bernie Supporter Verbally Attacked Me
Brenna Lewis | February 21, 2020
The Bernie rally that my club was protesting at the University of Nevada Las Vegas was just wrapping up when I locked eyes with a girl about 100 feet away who looked ready to fight. As it turned out, she stomped towards myself and my fellow UNLV Rebels for Life (University of Nevada Las Vegas) group member and shouted those
Wyoming House Passes Legislation Stopping University From Paying For Student Abortions
Brenna Lewis | February 20, 2020
Last night, the Wyoming House passed a budget that included an important new provision; the University of Wyoming will no longer pay for students to have abortions through the university health insurance plan. The language of the amendment states that the University of Wyoming cannot spend any funds to pay for elective abortions for students. Chuck Gray, the sponsor of