Students for Life of America is joining with other pro-life groups across the country to urge governors to order abortion facilities to shut down and to ask them to donate their medical supplies and gear to local medical clinics and hospitals. Since many “non-essential” businesses are being shut down, abortion facilities, which are not essential, should be shut down too.
You can quickly e-mail your governor by using our Action Page here.
At a time when many areas are facing medical supply shortages and taxpayer dollars are being redirected to address the consequences of the coronavirus, abortion facilities remain open, aborting babies every day. However, only essential and emergency medical procedures are supposed to be taking place; abortion is neither essential nor an emergency medical procedure.
We are calling on every governor to use their emergency powers to close abortion facilities and to ask the facilities to donate their taxpayer-funded, necessary medical supplies to local hospitals and clinics that need it to provide real life-saving care.
During times like this, we must prioritize the health and well-being of vulnerable populations by ensuring the medical supplies and gear go to real healthcare providers.
It takes just a minute to make your voice hear. Send your message using the link here and then share it with friends and family.
You can read more about our initiative here.
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