REGISTER: Students for Life of America’s Virtual Pro-Life Activism Training Courses! 

Michele Hendrickson - 20 Mar 2020

Coronavirus cancellations have you stuck inside? While we can’t ship you milk or toilet paper, we CAN provide you with ways to keep your pro-life activism skills sharp even while you’re at home these next few weeks 

Students for Life has planned out the next FIVE weeks of virtual training courses taking a deep dive into all 5 Pillars of Pro-Life Activism.  You’ll be joined by your state’s Regional Coordinator along with other pro-life students across the country who are in the same situation. When it’s time to go back into the Mission Field, we’ll be ready. 

Let’s stick together!  Just… virtually and with hand sanitizer. 

Check out our themes for the courses and sign-up here. 

  • Week of March 23rd – Industry Impact Pillar, Planned Parenthood’sAbortion Business & Sidewalk Counseling 

Join state webcasts with your Regional Coordinator exposing the truth about Planned Parenthood’s business tactics and what you can do about it.  Find out why we not only don’t need Planned Parenthood, but also how their low health and safety standards prove why we don’t want them. 

  • Week of March 30th – Effective Education Pillar, Apologetics & Online Dialogue Best Practices & Equal Rights Institute Webinar 

We’re encouraging our students to stay engaged on the issue and still work to change hearts and minds, even online!  Stay sharp with your Apologetics skills by signing up for our Apologetics 101 Course with your Regional Coordinator and join the Equal Rights Institute for their monthly webinar. 

ERI Webcast, March 31st save your seat here. Topic: Should Women be Prosecuted if Abortion Becomes Illegal? 

  • Week of April 6th – Rapid Response, Countering Abortion Culture 

Anytime the abortion industry shows up, the #prolifegen must be there too!  Discover how you and your peers can counter abortion industry leaders, pro-abortion politicians, and events when they come to your campus or your community. Speaking out makes a difference! Learn some of our best tips for how to counter abortion culture and respond quickly. 

  • Week of April 13th – Supportive Services, Non-Violent Patient Care

Participate in discussions on how we can serve the vulnerable at all ages, from supporting the Pregnant on Campus Initiative at your school, learning more about your community’s Pregnancy Resource Center, and opposing the increased push for Physician Assisted Suicide.  Too often our society is quick to end the sufferer, not the suffering.  Learn how you can help have winning conversations that promote a culture of LIFE. 

  • Week of April 20th – Public Policy Pillar, Preparing for 2020 Elections 

    Learn what’s at stake this November, why Voting Pro-Life First matters, and how you and your friends can make a huge difference for life this fall…and get paid to do it!

We look forward to equipping YOU with the best pro-life online resources available and spending these next 5 weeks together! 


Students for Life of America’s Virtual Training Course – proof that there’s no stopping the Pro-Life Generation!  

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