Every abortion ends an innocent human life, and we continue to work towards making abortion both illegal and unthinkable.
Recently, Students for Life along with Mississippi pro-life groups and national groups like Susan B. Anthony List advocated for the Mississippi Human Life Equality Act.
A press release from SBA List stated, “Mississippi is a strongly pro-life state, and we are encouraged to see pro-life lawmakers put forth compassionate legislation to protect children from lethal discrimination abortion. Abortions carried out because of a baby’s sex, race, or potential disability, such as Down syndrome, is no less than modern-day eugenics.”
Students for Life members were also active in making phone calls and sending e-mails in support. Mississippi State Captains Lauren Moses and Jack Dellinger led about 30 students to make calls in support of the legislation.
The legislation will now move to the Mississippi Senate.
The legislation, as noted by SBA List, should be supported even by pro-choicers. According to polling, “65% of Americans, including 50% of those who identify as pro-choice, oppose abortion because of the possibility an unborn child may have Down syndrome.”
Sarah Zarr, the Texas and Southern Regional Coordinator for Students for Life added, “Every human life is deserving of protection. We are glad that Mississippi is working to end abortion in the state and forcing pro-choicers to confront the reality of what they support. Eugenics has no place in a civilized society, and targeting babies for abortion based on their genetics is clearly eugenics.”
Titus Folks, the National Campaigns Advisor for Students for Life Action added, “Across the country, we are seeing the pro-life generation stay active in supporting pro-life legislation and ensuring the dignity of every human being is respected from the moment of conception. This legislation is a great start to protecting all human life in the state.”
Writing in the Clarion Ledger before the vote, Anja Baker, a former Students for Life leader, and Marilyn Musgraves of Susan B. Anthony List, asked legislators to support the legislation.
At a time when being different is more socially acceptable than ever, lethal discrimination against some of the most vulnerable members of our human family – babies in the womb – is sadly widespread. This week the Mississippi Legislature has a chance to pass the Human Life Equality Act and put a stop to the practice of discrimination abortions carried out because of a child’s race, sex, disability, or genetic makeup.
Children with Down syndrome are among the most affected. Although research shows that 99 percent of people with Down syndrome are happy with their lives, these children continue to be targeted due to fear and outdated stereotypes. In the United States as many as 67 percent of babies with Down syndrome are aborted, while in some developed nations they are on the verge of being eliminated completely.”
You can read the full op-ed here.
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