Chemical Abortion Pills carry extraordinary risks, and yet, they’re so commonplace in American society that more than six in 10 abortions happen because of them. This mass normalization of chemical death for preborn lives has had profound consequences. The tragic death of Amber Nicole Thurman from the summer of 2022 became a major story in the 2024 election since ProPublica published a lengthy story about her death. Abortion is what killed this woman and her twins, and the Biden-Harris Administration did their part to make it happen with their negligence.

After all – if a good parent wouldn’t risk a child’s life with unknown allergens, why would the federal government, who has taken upon the mantle of responsibility when it comes to approving drugs and substances in American society, make similar gambles with people’s lives?
In the latest Real Clear Politics op-ed from Students for Life Action’s Kristan Hawkins and Kristi Hamrick, that problem is discussed:
We don’t risk people’s lives when they’re allergic to peanuts, so why do we ignore the risks to women taking chemical abortion pills?
When it comes to chemical abortion pills, also known as RU-486, what did Kamala Harris know and when did she know it?
As the stories of two pregnant Georgia mothers who died came to light – similar to a death in New Mexico, it seems – the media has feigned medical and pharmacological expertise to lecture America (on Kamala’s behalf) that the drugs the FDA acknowledges have resulted in women’s deaths are not a problem. But women are dying and have been – and not just in Georgia. When will Harris and her Democratic Party cohorts own up to what they did that contributed to deadly risk?
When chemical abortion pills were hastily and recklessly approved as a “cure” for pregnancy – they came with a “black box” label. “Black box” means a drug or drugs have “major risks,” including the capacity to kill the people taking it, which is a bad thing.
Yet, three Democratic Party presidents and their pro-abortion cohorts forced the deadly pills onto the market. After the Dobbs case was picked up by the Supreme Court, the Biden-Harris FDA proceeded to strip away health and safety standards for the concoction, saying when the ruling came down that “(e)levating Medication Abortion” was central to the administration’s response to the Dobbs decision. Even before the discussion of recent deaths, the FDA reported that more than 30 women had died, but without a National Abortion Reporting law, true numbers are hidden through neglectful or non-existent accounting.
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