On my 23rd birthday, Taylor Swift announced her upcoming “Eras Tour” on Good Morning America. I also posted an article wishing her a happy birthday while sharing my own birth story and how my life seemingly connected to her as one of her biggest “Swifties.”

READ: Welcome to 33, Taylor Swift; It’s Been Waiting For You!
This week marks the one-year anniversary of Taylor’s Eras Tour, and there’s an unexpected pro-life way in which she has unknowingly inspired me.
In the days leading up to the 2024 Annual March for Life, my mother and I brainstormed some poster ideas that would capture our audience’s attention and pro-life message of “protection at conception.”

In Taylor Swift’s iconic “Eras Tour” poster, her ten albums are represented by nine squares of different colors surrounding a rectangle, her tenth album, in the center. Each of her albums captures a phase of Taylor’s life, and for almost two decades, her fans have lived her highs and lows with her as she shared her diary. We cannot imagine her career without one of her albums or even a single song.
Initially, we used the “Eras Tour” template to depict the phases of my own life, including various outfits I wore as a Taylor Swift fan. The lives of all her fans, regardless of their view on when life begins, started at this initial moment of conception.

That’s how Baby Eras was truly born. We mapped the first nine of her albums to the nine months of pregnancy, followed by the baby we see at birth within the rectangle in the center. Beyond the design compatibility, however, we saw other parallels with Taylor’s sequential albums and songs.
Each album, era, and moment defined the next one. Taylor would not be able to skip ahead from her early country days with her curly hair and the symbolic 13 on her hand to an album and era that went on to defend her reputation as she was amid being cancelled.
Similarly, a baby whose life begins at conception needs to complete the stages of development in the womb. Ideally, a child needs nine months to develop. Throughout the nine months of pregnancy, a baby will acquire a heartbeat, grow limbs, gain brain activity, and even feel pain. At the moment of fertilization, this baby has a unique set of DNA that will never exist again and a heartbeat separate from their mother’s.

In 2016, scientists captured images of the “flash of light” that sparks when a human sperm cell contacts an egg. The tiny fireworks last for about two hours after fertilization.
New life makes Sparks Fly.

We used this concept in the “Eras Poster” as Sparks Fly is the first track of her third album, Speak Now. Being the third album in contrast to the third month of pregnancy, this is typically a critical decision point for many mothers who are contemplating abortion. At Students for Life of America, we Speak Now and will continue to make mothers and fathers aware that Sparks Fly at conception – a preborn life is a life.
As Taylor claims that more and more of her albums are hers, which will include the yet-to-be-rerecorded Debut album, SFLA hopes that society, including our politicians, will acknowledge and protect life at its Debut, beginning at conception, instead of various points during the baby’s development. The differing positions between states and politicians regarding various abortion laws are all wrong. There’s only one place where a baby’s life begins, and that’s at conception.
As a parallel to Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour, beginning on March 21, 2024, Kristan Hawkin’s upcoming spring campus tour, “No Abortion, No Exceptions,” recognizes this fact and the unborn baby eras we must protect.
A preborn baby is not a “blob of cells” or a “parasite.” We hope that this visual of the baby throughout its nine months in the womb and at birth parallels Taylor’s ten eras throughout her career and will inspire our culture to “see” the pre-born for who they are and acknowledge their humanity at all stages of development. I encourage Swifties, primarily pro-life Swifties, to “speak now” on behalf of the voiceless, be ‘fearless’ in spreading this message, and become “Swifties for LIFE.”
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