Your neighborhood pharmacy may have recently begun selling the drugs designed to ensure preborn death — how does that make you feel about supporting them when you have to go in to pick prescriptions, gift wrapping, or anything else meant to support life?
Politico recently reported, “A handful of independent pharmacies across the country have quietly begun dispensing the abortion pill mifepristone under new rules created by the Biden administration earlier this year, even as a looming Supreme Court case could reimpose restrictions or ban the drugs entirely. Thousands of branches of major pharmacy chains are poised to join them.”
(For background on the changes made by the Biden Administration earlier this year, click HERE to read another SFLA blog entitled “Coming to Your Local Pharmacy: This Is How the FDA Just Changed Chemical Abortion Pill Regulations.”)

According to the article, the United States’ manufacturer of Chemical Abortion Pills, GenBioPro, published a list just earlier this week of 19 pharmacies certified to distribute the deathly drugs in nine different states. Only the pharmacies which agreed to be named are on the list, and those include independent, brick-and-mortar pharmacies, mail-order pharmacies, and collegiate-affiliated pharmacies.
It’s interesting that not all locations agreed to be open about dispensing Chemical Abortion Pills…almost as if they know the public may be uncomfortable about a pharmacy which says it’s life-affirming on the one hand and selling pills that kill on the hand.
One pharmacist from New York of Condo Pharmacy tried rather convincingly to shake that off, saying that “he hasn’t received any backlash” — but let’s be fair. The list was just put out days ago. Many are still unaware that their mom-and-pop shop pharmacies have bent to the will of the radical abortion lobby, letting their cash flow potential override their consciences.

Don’t worry; such a perversion of medical ethics will not go unnoticed for long. Backlash is inevitable as the Pro-Life Generation will never be silent about the betrayal preborn children and vulnerable women. We remain particularly concerned over this as Fox News reports that six different states now allow women to get Chemical Abortion Pills via telephone or the internet, including California, New York, Vermont, Colorado, Massachusetts, and Washington.
As we work to confront pharmacies over joining the Chemical Abortion Pill Cartel, urging them to stop distributing these drugs, we also pray that tragic mistakes as recently seen with a CVS pharmacy in Nevada don’t happen again. As SFLA reported earlier:
“In a shocking news report made public recently, a Nevada woman who dreamed of having a big family since childhood has lived through a nightmare thanks to Chemical Abortion Pills. After being prescribed life-affirming medication for her pregnancy, a CVS pharmacy mixed up her prescription and sent her home with the deathly drugs instead. Now, she is mourning the loss of her preborn twins.

“[Thomas] was prescribed a vaginal suppository and went to pick it up from her local CVS. However, after taking two doses, she knew something was terribly wrong. She began cramping horribly and realized the pain was disproportional to what it should have been. Thomas said, “My cramping went beyond that. It was extreme. It was painful.”
“Wanting to check things out, Thomas googled the name of the drug she had been given and realized what had happened when the first thing she read about it was “used for abortions.” Horrified, she said to herself, “They just killed my baby. Both my babies, because I transferred two embryos.”
To read more about this heartbreaking story, click HERE.
To email the CEOs of major pharmacies like Walgreens, CVS, and Rite-Aid and tell them to stay far away from Chemical Abortion Pills, click HERE.
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