WATCH IT NOW: Documentary Featuring SFLA ‘Battleground’ Hits Streaming Service Starz

Caroline Wharton - 03 Mar 2023

If you haven’t seen it yet, now’s the time: the most unintentionally pro-life documentary has hit the streaming services! ‘Battleground,’ released to the public in the fall of last year, was made available for viewing on March 1st on the Starz platform — click HERE to access the film. Watch it this weekend with your friends and family to better understand the workings of the pro-life movement and get to know Students for Life of America (SFLA) in particular.  

SFLA reported on this earlier:  

In a time when most abortion coverage by the mainstream media is flagrantly pro-abortion, you may be interested in seeing the newest documentary on the abortion divide in America because it’s certainly not what you would expect. Although the film ‘Battleground’ was produced by a pro-abortion director, it shows the Pro-Life Generation front and center in a very positive way — and the accurate coverage is driving the abortion lobby absolutely insane. 

An op-ed by Students for Life of America (SFLA) President Kristan Hawkins at the Washington Times recently discussed this documentary. In her piece entitled “‘Battleground’: The Pro-Life Movie No One Intended to Make,” Hawkins wrote

“An ardent abortion supporter, “Battleground” director Cynthia Lowen certainly did not set out to make a documentary that positively featured the pro-life movement, and yet that is exactly what she did. After investing more than two years into the behind-the-scenes world of the pro-life generation and Students for Life America (SFLA), the production is a picture worth a thousand words in explaining not only why the pro-life movement is winning, but also why we will prevail in the days ahead … much to the dismay of mainstream critics.  

“So, what did the film capture that shocked media outlets into thinking “Battleground” might be pro-life-made? It was the same thing that stunned Ms. Lowen when she was making the film: The youth, diversity, strength and strategy of the pro-life movement are often ignored by mainstream media outlets.” 

Of course, viewers should understand that ‘Battleground’ does contain some elements of the pro-abortion narrative (it was made by a pro-abortion director, after all), but the very fact that many in the media are so unhappy with its portrayal of the pro-life movement speaks volumes. Clearly, any attempts at pro-abortion manipulation or actual pro-abortion commentary (supplied by Planned Parenthood’s CEO, among other abortion vendors) was obviously inept at derailing the overall theme of the movie: the pro-life movement is strong, morally correct, and marching on towards victory.  

To watch ‘Battleground,’ click HERE.  

To read Hawkins’ Washington Times op-ed in its entirety, click HERE.  

READ NEXT: SFLA Alumni Highlight: Mary Grace Germain, Pregnancy Resource Center Staffer   

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