Around the country, Americans are participating in Advent by preparing for the celebration of a Savior’s birth, but one household has seriously forgotten the spirit of Christmas for the second year in a row — and it’s impossible to ignore in the heart of Washington D.C. Reports show that the Biden White House has once again excluded one of their grandchildren who was born out of wedlock from their display of the family stockings, showing sadly that for the abortion lobby, only children who are “wanted” are valuable in their eyes. Here’s what you need to know:
According to a report from the Daily Caller, when the Biden White House unveiled their 2022 Christmas decorations, the mantelpiece held nine stockings. Six of the stockings were for President Biden’s grandchildren: Naomi, Finnegan, and Maisy (the children of Hunter Biden and ex-wife Kathleen Buhle); Natalie and Hunter (the children of the late Beau Biden and his wife, Hallie); and another stocking for “Baby,” a reference to Hunter Biden and Melissa Cohen’s son Beau. Another stocking was hung for Naomi’s recent husband Peter Neal, and the last two were for the White House cat and dog.

One grandchild was missing, however. Four-year-old Navy Joan Roberts, Hunter Biden’s daughter he had out of wedlock with Lunden Roberts, did not have a stocking displayed, which also happened in 2021.
This omission may be because President Biden is affirming Hunter Biden’s decision to abdicate fatherhood with this particular child, as Hunter Biden has never even seen his daughter. Earlier this year, Lunden Roberts’ lawyer spoke out on this matter, saying that Hunter Biden never expressed any interest in meeting or developing a relationship with his daughter. In case you’re wondering if this is indeed actually his child, a paternity test already proved that — yet he continues to be a truant parent.
It’s what one expects from a pro-abortion man; they want responsibility-free, consequence-free sex, and if they don’t get that, they’re out of the picture.

Or perhaps President Biden’s reasoning is that children born out of wedlock are not as valuable as “planned children” within a marriage? While it’s certainly true that it’s best for a child to have a stable, married mother and father, this doesn’t mean that the children of single parents or those that are being raised by other family members or in the foster care system are any less valuable. Life is sacred and should be respected regardless of any circumstance — and our society would do well to remember that is also true for children born out of rape.
Just as Hunter Biden’s sweet daughter didn’t choose to be born out of wedlock and shouldn’t be treated any differently because of it, children who are born out of rape should never be thought of as disposable or inconvenient. Their lives are just as meaningful as a child whose parents’ are happily married.

Students for Life of America President Kristan Hawkins said:
“We don’t issue birth certificates in the United States with a ratings system based on how someone was conceived. A birth certificate is a sign of a single fact – that a unique life has entered the world. We…reject discrimination and prejudice against children based on perceptions of their race, sex, abilities, or parents. The Pro-Life Generation rejects shaming children for things beyond their control.”
In this season of all seasons, we should remember to love everyone equally, especially our dear children — so how about a stocking, President Biden? If a cat and dog are worthy of one, a precious grandchild certainly is.
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