The Dobbs v. Jackson ruling sent abortion policy back to the states, and the Pro-Life Generation is overwhelmed with excitement as they plan out how they can further impact their states in a life-affirming manner. While it’s been almost two months living in a post-Roe America, students are returning to campus in the coming days and will have some of their first opportunities to talk about the issue with their peers.
For many of our Students for Life of America (SFLA) activists, they are already eagerly planning their groups’ priorities for this semester by outlining goals and strategizing on how to achieve them. Some of our students recently spoke with Campus Reform to relay exactly what their individual groups are considering and preparing for the 2022-2023 school year.
While their responses showcase different approaches, they all boil down to one goal: protecting life and empowering women. Here’s some examples from the article at Campus Reform:
At Grand Canyon University, SFLA campus president Nicole Martin spoke with Campus Reform about how her group was “transforming” due to the reversal of Roe. Although the group just started back in the spring, they understand the changes that have happened through the Dobbs decision and how they need to adapt their group’s mission accordingly. Martin said,
“This summer, we have started a project aimed at helping young parents in the community. We are working with [the] school administration and local pregnancy centers to make it easier for students to navigate through unplanned pregnancies. Earlier this month, we held a fundraiser for a local pregnancy center, and we saw how eager our club members are to help.”
Another SFLA student Zabinia Arvizu from Arizona State University highlighted that her group was acknowledging the positive changes from the Dobbs decision and shifting their focus this year from public education on abortion to action with abortion-seeking women. She told Campus Reform,
“This year we are going to focus on emphasizing the many resources available to help women during their unexpected pregnancies. Now that [bans are happening] in many states, including AZ, we will shift our focus to educating people on what better options there are for women, in addition to providing support to those students who do get unexpectedly pregnant.”
(Click HERE to read a student’s testimony on why she is pro-life as an adoptee.)
In South Carolina at Clemson University, the President of the Tigers for Life and SFLAction Intern Alivia Talley spoke to Campus Reform about the greater need for action and said what most in the pro-life movement are thinking right now,
“I feel like I’m busier than I’ve ever been. We are going to need to be more active and just kind of more prepared to have conversations with students than we ever have before.”
For Talley’s SFLA group, making sure pregnant students are informed of their Title IX rights is most important. Her group has been striving to make sure all Clemson students are notified of these federal rights, and she was firm that this same goal will be their priority this fall semester. They will specifically be focusing on volunteering at local pregnancy resource centers and making care packages for pregnant students to leave at the Title IX office.
Talley said, “[Pregnant students] need to know the truth, and the truth is that there’s a whole community of people that want to love them, help them, and be there for them throughout their unexpected pregnancy.”
From just these three student leaders, a consistent theme for our campus groups across the nation this fall is clear: The Pro-Life Generation is on a mission to make sure that no woman feels that she is alone in her unplanned pregnancy. This means that we will be heavily engaging in many kinds of service, especially in promoting Standing With You.
Standing With You is an SFLA initiative that works to empower women in unplanned pregnancies by gathering together all the resources she may need in one place. These resources include aid with finances, housing, transportation, baby supplies, adoption, parenting classes, counseling, childcare, etc. The goal of Standing With You is to remove every obstacle in a woman’s life that might make her even think of aborting her child.
We are so excited to see what our SFLA groups will accomplish during this fall semester of the 2022-2033 school year as we know they will strive to make both their campuses and communities life-affirming. Stay active on the blog to see their pro-life efforts up close and personal!
READ NEXT: Prepare to Be Amazed: SFLA & SFLAction Impact During the 2021-2022 School Year
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