In this game of Whack-O-Mole, Students for Life of America (SFLA) is tracking the general mayhem proposed by abortion-loving politicians in their frantic fervor to continue killing kids. Prepare to be overwhelmed because this list of pro-abortion plans, task forces, and over-all havoc is long, and it’s exactly what the team at Students for Life Action (SFLAction) is dealing with right now. Don’t forget that we are only a few weeks past the collapse of Roe v. Wade, too. This means that the radical abortion lobby is only just getting started—but in their initial feeding frenzy, this is the current damage:
83 pro-abortion Democrats want President Biden to further abuse states’ rights using the hubris of COVID bans to end life-saving laws. 33 pro-abortion Democrats also called for action just days after Roe fell, and this number seems to be going up.

HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra (an attorney known for going after the FDA while acting as the Attorney General of California) pledged to use his office for more abortion through numerous channels … Oh, and did we mention that he now oversees the FDA? SFLAction President Kristan Hawkins and team warned Congress that Becerra should NOT be confirmed because of his abortion activism, and it appears that we were prophetic.
Becerra started with his favorite Chemical Abortion pills. Why does he love them so much? Well, because the “despicable” Supreme Court ruling made it seem like saying no to abortion at the state level was a choice.
He also made it clear that pro-life pharmacists better push abortion. This is an attack on pharmacists that has been going on for a while and one which the Supreme Court unfortunately refused to hear.

Attorney General Merrick expressed his anger at the Dobbs ruling by deciding that upholding and enforcing laws was not his thing (an interesting take as that’s his job) and instead set up a “reproductive rights task force” to see how the federal government can violate state laws. The Washington Post reports: “The task force, led by Associate Attorney General Vanita Gupta, will be charged with monitoring and evaluating state and local legislation and weighing legal action against states that ban abortion medication or attempt to block a pregnant person from traveling out of state for an abortion, among other measures. The effort will include dedicated staff and representatives from a wide swath of the Justice Department, including the civil division, U.S. attorneys’ offices, the civil rights division, the Office of Legal Counsel, the Office of Access to Justice and the Office of the Solicitor General.”
Abortion-loving prosecutors are following the example of Garland, our nation’s top law enforcement officer, by pledging to NOT enforce pro-life laws. Announcements on this are made almost daily. Dozens of law enforcement officials signed a letter post-Dobbs saying that they would NOT do their jobs if the laws are pro-life.

Pew reports on such statements, that go back as far as 2019, when Becerra was among signers to a letter pledging NOT to follow the law while he was still the Attorney General of California. The letter from 68 prosecutors from 23 states read:
“In our view, resources are better utilized to prevent and address serious crimes that affect our communities rather than enforcing laws such as these that divide our community, create untenable choices for women and healthcare providers, and erode trust in the criminal justice system.”
How convenient for these abortion-loving individuals; they have basically declared themselves all three branches of government, choosing or rejecting laws, prosecuting them or not, enforcing them on others, etc. No need for those pesky voters or the Constitution to get in the way of a good agenda, right?

President Biden also eventually got into the coercion-not-choice business by basically telling an already activated Becerra to go for more through his new executive order on abortion. Politico wrote, “The order directs the Department of Health and Human Services to take new actions to protect access to abortion medication and consider updating guidance to clarify doctor responsibilities and protections under the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act.” Clearly trying to divert from other troubles with this order, SFLAction just doesn’t think Biden can change his failing narrative with more abortion.
At the Pentagon, pro-abortion Democrats are also lobbying to allow service members who are stationed in states that have banned abortion or plan to do so to take leave to travel for the procedure, while some governors are pushing for the White House to update the rules around importing drugs to protect people who may go to Canada for abortion pills.

Sen. Warren (D-MA) and AOC have championed an idea for the Biden Administration to also take federal land in statest hat don’t want abortion to set it up for them and all at taxpayer expense, of course. SFLAction spearheaded a letter signed by nearly 40 pro-life and pro-family leaders pointing out that this idea is both legally and morally wrong.
Sen. Warren has added to her strident calls a demand to shut down Pregnancy Care Centers because free services and support for women is getting in the way of pressure campaigns to kill their preborn babies, it appears.
Vice President Kamala Harris pledged full federal power on behalf of Chemical Abortion pills. A month ago, she announced “a new White House task force addressing online abuse, stepping into the spotlight as the administration rolls out its most significant effort to date to curb harassment across the internet.” Will we see the VP addressing the violence against and verbal abuse of pro-life women, though? We’re not holding our breath.

HHS new task forces are perhaps informed by one as they announced in January, timed with the Roe’s last anniversary earlier this year. As SFLA noted at the time, “The new task force is called the ‘HHS Intra-Agency Task Force on Reproductive Healthcare Access.’ It may have a long name, but it just means abortion on demand. A more accurate name for it might be the ‘HHS Intra-Agency Task Force on Making Sure Women Can Legally Kill Their Babies Any Way They’d Like.’ That name seems to get the general idea across more clearly.”
Democrats are calling numerous hearings to make a case for even more federal intervention. During a recent round, Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) made big news in a confrontation with a U.C. Berkley Professor Khiara Bridges who insisted that you don’t have to be a woman to need abortion.
Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY)and Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) are also both ignoring violence against pro-lifers and going through a series of tortured votes on the so-called “Women’s Health Protection Act” —better named the “Women’s Health Endangerment Act.” This bill is the “codify Roe” effort that goes far beyond Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton’s horror of abortion allowed in the U.S. through all 9 months, for any reason at all, and sometimes with taxpayer funding. It would prevent states from passing pro-life laws and get rid of the conscience rights of medical professionals who believe that an oath to ‘Do No Harm’ includes patients in the womb. A vote on this is expected on Friday.

Governors who love abortion want headlines too. A number of governors are signing executive orders to ensure voters and visitors that you can end life with them. Tell your friends! Among governors making special announcements about their support for abortion and the policy they will fight for are: California’s Gavin Newsom, Michigan’s Gretchen Whitmer, New York’s Kathy Hochul, North Carolina’s Roy Cooper, Colorado’s Jared Polis, Massachusetts’ Charlie Baker, New Mexico’s Lujan Grisham, Pennsylvania’s Tom Wolf, Maine’s Janet Mills, Nevada’s Steve Sisolak, Minnesota’s Tim Walz, Rhode Island’s Daniel McKee, Wisconsin’s Tony Evers, and perhaps others coming.
We weren’t kidding; it’s a long list of seriously wrong actions by the abortion lobby, and we know it’s just the beginning. This is where the Pro-Life Generation needs to step in and work with SFLAction to counteract these attempts to thwart the Dobbs decision and the subsequent decisions of pro-life states.
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