In a sad turn of events, a report has recently shown that the United States of America—known for being a shining light of equality to the surrounding world—has a commonality with harsh, authoritarian countries such as North Korea and China. These countries are known for horrific human rights violations, and this similarity is unfortunately over just that: the ability to kill preborn children in the womb.
What’s this report about?
The study, conducted and released by the Family Research Council, looked at abortion laws in countries around the world to see how the United States’ (USA) abortion laws shaped up overall. The results—to say the least—said nothing good about how the USA handles abortion. Here are some key findings from the study that highlight just how poorly our country is dealing with abortion:
- Worldwide, 77 countries have either abolished abortion or only allowed it when a woman’s physical health is at risk.
- In Europe, only three countries allow abortion after 14 weeks.
- The United States is a part of a sad sextuplet of nations which allow “abortion on demand”—abortions allowed through all nine months of pregnancy for any reason. The five other countries include North and South Korea, China, Canada, and Vietnam.

Why is this so sad?
The evil institution of abortion is obviously sad and wrong regardless of where it is allowed to fester. However, as Americans, there is something that is both particularly saddening and convicting about this report. Our country is on a small list of human rights violators—next to cruelly oppressive regimes like China (who denies citizens freedom of speech and places others in concentration camps); North Korea (who denies all basic liberties and frequently tortures and starves their citizens); South Korea (who infringes upon personal expression, assembly and association); Vietnam (who denies freedom of speech, imprisoning and prosecuting citizens); and Canada (who is considering an infringement on citizen’s right of autonomy with proposed vaccine mandates.) These countries make up the Human Rights Violation Hall of Shame—and unfortunately, the USA is right up there as we dehumanize and murder our own through abortion.
This is a wake-up call—we don’t want to be associated with unethical, dictatorial nations such as these. The USA has previously triumphed in overcoming human rights violations and maintaining equality for all. But for the preborn? Our country is failing miserably.

(Click HERE to read how the Biden Administration is cultivating more even abortions through a new task force.)
What can the Pro-Life Generation do about it?
We need to fight to eradicate abortion in our country, and we need all hands on deck. Students for Life Action (SFLAction) is already on the ground currently, working to abolish abortion at both the state level and the federal level—and you can help, too. There are so many ways that you can get involved with the pro-life movement.
If you want to help change the cultural stereotype that women need abortion in order to succeed (a harmful idea created by the abortion lobby), you can work with our initiative Standing with You to help pregnant and parenting mothers thrive. If you want to create awareness within your own community about life-affirming resources and weed out abortion facilities, you can work with our Campaign for Abortion Free Cities to get the word out and make a difference in your town. If you want get involved in a multitude of different ways, like letter writing, get-out-the-vote deployments, etc., get involved with SFLAction.

We cannot allow our country to continue condoning the atrocity of abortion.
Being placed in the same category as a number of harsh, authoritarian nations for a human rights violation is a yet another red flag. This is not an issue we can passively sympathize with and then go about our day like everything is fine; this is a movement which requires action and passion. We will abolish abortion in the United States—the question is, will you help us?
Click HERE to read SFLA President Kristan Hawkins’ op-ed on making a Post-Roe America.
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