Hundreds of SFL Action’s student members have been working hard this summer to support pro-life candidates — donning masks, knocking on doors for hours in the heat — and it turns out that they’ve knocked on more doors then Joe Biden’s presidential campaign. An incredible testament to the dedication and concern of the Pro-Life Generation.
A Real Clear Politics article from SFLA’s president Kristan Hawkins says that students and staff members — sometimes joined by the Susan B. Anthony List — have already knocked on more than 50,000 doors and made over 200,000 calls. Contrast that with the Biden campaign that has knocked on ZERO doors according to Politico.
The students’ hard work to inform voters on the importance of this election for life is clearly paying off as not only have they had numerous interactions — all while following proper safety and social distancing guidelines — there have even been pro-life state and local election victories along the way.
Students worked at canvassing over the summer, and will be launching two programs this summer. The first is Vote Pro-Life First, an initiative encouraging students to pledge to make their vote count this election to keep the pre-born safe. The second is Sock the Vote Campus Tour, an event to equip students to engage in the national dialogue surrounding abortion through an online voting quiz and covering the topics of Why to vote pro-life; Abortion extremism; and How to get involved with the pro-life movement.
Both these initiatives and Hawkins’s article explained that it is crucial for the American people to elect a pro-life president and U.S. Senate to ensure the pre-born and their mothers will be protected. “The goal is not merely to hold a seat, but to hold accountable officeholders who failed to protect mothers and their pre-born children from a predatory abortion franchise, no matter what party they call home,” said Hawkins.
For this upcoming election, the Pro-Life Generation won’t let anything — even a pandemic — stop them from standing up for life. And as Hawkins concluded in her piece, “SFLAction makes an appeal that goes past partisanship, to the human rights issue of our day, with a clear call to action: ‘I hate abortion so much I’m willing to vote for a candidate I don’t like.’”
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