“Common sense and human decency have prevailed in the Covid-19 Aid bill that had previously included taxpayer resources that could be used for abortion, rather than focusing on the real needs of those harmed by this crisis,” said SFLA’s Kristan Hawkins. “Thanks to President Trump, the cynical political calculation to misuse relief funds to force taxpayer funding of abortion has been stopped. A bill designed to protect life should include preborn life.”
Washington D.C. (03-14-2020) – Students for Life of America President Kristan Hawkins praised President Trump for holding the line on the emergency aid package for people suffering as a result of Covid-19 by keeping taxpayer funding for abortion out. According to multiple media reports, the House Covid-19 aid package had included healthcare dollars without Hyde Amendment protections, which restricts taxpayer funding of abortion. Click here to read more about SFLA’s reaction to that potential misuse of scarce taxpayer resources.
On Twitter, Planned Parenthood tried to imply that those opposing the funds without taxpayer protections against abortion funding were the problem, to which Hawkins replied: “The fact that Planned Parenthood believes emergency #CoronavirusPandemic funding should be used for taxpayer funded abortion tells you all you need to know about the Abortion Goliath.”
With more than $600 million in taxpayer funds in their pocket last year, Planned Parenthood’s appetite for the money of hard-working Americans is legendary. Yet, pregnancy is not a disease cured by abortion, despite Planned Parenthood’s political prowess in getting into healthcare funds.
To read Top 10 Reasons Women don’t need Planned Parenthood in Title X, another taxpayer funded program, click here.
To learn more about SFLA’s Pregnant on Campus program that assists pregnant and parenting students, as well as the Pregnant and Parenting Bill of Rights, click here.
For media interviews, e-mail Kristi at [email protected]
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