The St. Paul City Council recently passed a resolution asking residents in the Minnesota state capitol to “thank” abortionists like Kermit Gosnell and Ulrich Klopfer on March 10th.
The resolution, which calls for “Abortion Provider Appreciation Day” was recently passed on a 7-0 vote in the St. Paul City Council. Just a quick reminder, the city is named after St. Paul, who was on his way to Damacus to persecute and commit violence against people who he viewed as weaker and less worthy of human dignity than him, so maybe there’s a parallel there to what abortionists do every day.
The Duluth Tribune reports, “The resolution states: ‘The Supreme Court of the United States now contains a majority of Justices who may not interpret the Constitution to provide protection for the right to end a pregnancy and may overturn or severely limit Roe v. Wade, which includes the threat of women patients and abortion providers being arrested and sent to jail.'”
Furthermore, the City Council also wants us to thank people like Ulrich Klopfer, the abortionist in Indiana who police just discovered kept 2,411 aborted babies in his garage, and Kermit Gosnell who is now serving a life sentence for killing a woman, breaking numerous health codes, and killing babies who were in their third trimester and then stashing them in his basement. Oh yeah and don’t forget he was so ‘woke’ and ‘progressive’ he kept segregated rooms in his House of Horrors chop shop.
No thanks, St. Paul. We’re not going to “thank” people like that.
So, WILL YOU SIGN OUR PETITION to the St. Paul City Council? We must demand that the elected officials in St. Paul reverse their decision. Just click here to add your name to the petition and tell the St. Paul City Council to reverse its course.
It takes just one minute and a few clicks of a button. Then, please consider sharing the link and this blog on your social media and encourage friends and family to sign
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