Category: Supporters

You Can’t Get Acne Meds without Pregnancy Testing… But You Can Buy a Chemical Abortion?
Samantha Kamman | June 2, 2021
Under President Joe Biden’s guidance, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is taking steps to loosen restrictions on chemical abortion, an action that could endanger countless women and, of course, preborn children. According to the National Catholic Register, the FDA announced on May 7th its plans to review the Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) safety protocols surrounding chemical abortions. Click

Here’s Why NARAL is Wrong About the Pro-Life Movement
Brenna Lewis | June 1, 2021
“For decades, the anti-choice movement has attempted to brand itself as ‘pro-life,’ but it’s not hard to see through their charade.” ㅡNARAL Guest post by Ben Ice (SFLA Stevens Fellow) and Mary Carmen Zakrajsek (SFLA Indianapolis Regional Intern) NARAL Pro-Choice America attempts to support their lies by claiming pro-lifers seek to dismantle women’s healthcare, otherwise known as “denying funding”

Students for Life of America Students Lead HUGE Pro-Life Training Camp in Africa
Brenna Lewis | May 26, 2021
John Mark Porter is an active pro-life student from South Carolina who wrote his thesis on designing pro-life camps for leadership training in Uganda. Richard Sempala is the director of the Africa Life Youth Foundation, a pro-life ministry. Together, they created something amazing. John Mark shared in January: “In December, I went and we taught three two-day camps in

Notre Dame Students Don’t Want Pro-Abortion Joe Biden at Their Graduation
Samantha Kamman | May 26, 2021
For twenty years, the sitting president or vice-president has addressed Notre Dame graduates but, in a move that breaks with tradition, President Joe Biden will not attend the university’s 2021 commencement ceremony. According to the Catholic News Agency, Notre Dame president, Rev. John Jenkins, invited the nation’s second Catholic president, Biden, but he allegedly declined due to scheduling conflicts. However,

Fact-Checking the Fact-Checkers: Yes, Dr. Anthony Fauci Funded Grafting Baby Scalps onto Mice
Samantha Kamman | May 25, 2021
Warning: This article contains photos of infant scalps grafted onto lab mice. Editor’s Note: Students for Life is rallying on Thursday, June 10th, at 11am ET in Bethesda, Maryland, calling for the resignation of Dr. Fauci. Click here to learn more and let us know you’re going. Click here to email the NIH and call for Dr. Fauci’s resignation.

Fresno Student Who Chose Life Walks Graduation with Daughter
Brenna Lewis | May 24, 2021
Walking through campus during undergrad at Fresno State, Jessica came across the Fresno State Students for Life table. The student group had various literature on abortion and life-affirming support along with 12-week-old fetal models. Jessica thought the fetal models were very cute and asked if she could take one home with her. About two weeks later, she found out

She Was Rejected for Being Pro-Life!?
Brenna Lewis | May 24, 2021
The Students for Life is blessed to have a stellar Development Team who work to bring supporters into our mission. In fact, Students for Life is very unique in that the majority of our financial support comes from a huge network of grassroots, lower-level donors as opposed to just a few massive support streams. And we’re able to inspire

Abortion is “Infrastructure?” Give Us a Break
Jessica Nardi | May 24, 2021
An article from the Washington Monthly says that President Joe’s Biden’s term has been “pleasantly surprising” except for one thing: he hasn’t gone hard enough on eliminating abortion limits. The article says that Biden remained “silent” on abortion and claims that this creates a problem since “abortion is infrastructure” in the lives of American women. The author laments the

Five Years Later, 96% of Women Denied Abortion No Longer Wish They Could Have Had One
Brenna Lewis | May 21, 2021
Reprinted with permission from Secular Pro-Life The Turnaway Study had a much touted statistic about how few women regret their abortions five years later. Google “women regret abortion,” and see the press coverage. All of the following are referencing the Turnaway Study: Much touted stat. [The sources for the image are CNN, Forbes, Los Angeles Times healthline, NewScientist, and Reuters] The Turnaway Study has resulted

“Black Baby Lives Matter” Display Repeatedly Vandalized on Milwaukee Campus
Brenna Lewis | May 20, 2021
Earlier this month, Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE) Right to Life put together a creative public display to highlight lives lost to abortion. Unfortunately, abortion-supporting students believe that pro-life students should be silenced. The students shared their story… By Rylie Gill, MSOE Right to Life The Black Baby Lives matter display was put up on May 4th at 6am