Category: Supporters
It’s Cute that Abortion Supporters are Excited by This New Gallup Poll
Brenna Lewis | June 10, 2021
Both the pro- and anti-abortion movements are buzzing today following Gallup’s release of a new poll that claims a pro-choice majority amongst Americans. But, as with many mainstream assessments, there may be more to this conclusion than meets the eye. Perhaps the most genuine nugget of truth included in the poll’s writeup is the very first line: “Americans are
To my Daughters: Please Don’t Look up to Girls Like Paxton Smith
Toni McFadden | June 10, 2021
To My Daughters, Please do not look up to girls like Paxton Smith. She may have the ability to string together emotionally driven words, but if they are not founded in truth, it will lead to destruction. I know this so well. When mommy was a senior in high school, I made a huge mistake that I will regret
Students for Life Applauds MO Governor’s Decision to Replace Pro-Abortion JudgeÂ
Samantha Kamman | June 10, 2021
A recent development in Missouri could hopefully lead to further advancements on the pro-life front in the Midwestern state. According to, Missouri Gov. Mike Parson replaced Screenivasa Rao Dandamudi, the administrative law judge who, last year, halted the state’s efforts to shut down the St. Louis Planned Parenthood. Back in 2019, the Planned Parenthood facility sued over the
Most People Support a 15-Week Abortion Limit
Brenna Lewis | June 8, 2021
Since the Supreme Court granted review of Mississippi’s 15-week abortion limit by adding Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization to their docket, the nation is buzzing about abortion limits. Are they good? Are they bad? What does the majority believe? Abortion groups like Planned Parenthood, NARAL, and others post on social as if all Americans believe in limitless abortion.
Time to Clear Up These Delusions About Pregnancy Centers
Samantha Kamman | June 7, 2021
Pregnancy resource centers come alongside women who may feel challenged by their present circumstances and don’t want to abort, but see abortion as their only option. By offering vital resources at no charge, these centers work to uplift women and help them to feel confident about choosing life for their child. Unfortunately, many oppose pregnancy centers and their crucial,
President Biden’s New Budget is Really Wrong
Brenna Lewis | June 4, 2021
Last week, the Biden Administration released their new budget. Unfortunately, the content was without many surprises – including that it failed to add Hyde Amendment protections, forcing Americans to fund abortion with our tax dollars. This is a historical, tragic first … that he would have opposed for most of his career (only changing his Hyde views under intense political
Instagram Just Censored This Pro-Life Post
Brenna Lewis | June 4, 2021
This week, Students for Life spokesperson Autumn Lindsey made a very simple pro-life post on her account, This is her pro-life account and, as such, is full of posts that oppose abortion. But Instagram decided this particular post shouldn’t be permitted. Despite this post being quite routine, Autumn noticed that it had disappeared after about three hours. She
This Summer, A Historic Gathering of Pro-Life Students Will Come Together
Brenna Lewis | June 3, 2021
We have come to the edge of a wave that has brought us nearly two decades of pro-life laws that have saved thousands and begun to hold the abortion industry accountable. Even with the most pro-abortion administration to date working against the pro-life movement, victory is still in sight. And this summer, Students for Life is hosting a HISTORIC,
China’s Family Planning Policies Show How Ugly Abortion Can Be Â
Sarah Michalak | June 3, 2021
BREAKING! After decades of enforcing limits on child births and family size, Chinese officials are now allowing their repressed citizens to have up to three children without being forced to abort, sterilized, or fined. This comes amid concerns about a massive aging population that far outnumbers youth who are able to care for them. Since 1980, China has vigorously
THIS is the Peanuts Comic That Made Ronald Reagan More Pro-Life
Sarah Michalak | June 2, 2021
One of America’s most pro-life presidents (who gave us one of our movement’s most iconic quotes: I notice everyone who’s for abortion has already been born) was not always pro-life. In fact, Ronald Reagan passed the Therapeutic Abortion Act in 1967 as Governor of California. Reagan refused to pass a more expansive version of the act. However, he did