Category: Middle School
BREAKING: Students for Life & Frederick Douglass Foundation Paint “Black Preborn Lives Matter” on Baltimore Streets
Brenna Lewis | September 5, 2020
In the early hours of the morning, pro-lifers from Students for Life of America, Frederick Douglass Foundation, and other local Baltimore organizations assembled in downtown Baltimore (in the wake of a hurricane and violent riots) to paint an important message on the city streets: Black Preborn Lives Matter. Other organizational partners included: Pro-Black Pro-Life Relationships Matter Human Coalition Action The Restoration Project: Human Coalition
Forbes Fibs, Says Abortion Doesn’t Affect Fertility (Spoiler: It Does)
Brenna Lewis | September 4, 2020
This week, Forbes posted an article attempting to make the case that induced abortion does not have an adverse affect on women’s fertility. Problem is, there’s a lot of evidence contrary to this premise. And this isn’t the only alarming point made – the author also cites that 61% of unintended pregnancies globally end in abortion. Can that possibly be true?
Top 10 Musicians Who Actively Promote Abortion & Planned Parenthood
Jessica Nardi | September 3, 2020
Our culture often looks to celebrities as leading role models, which is deeply problematic when they’re promoting killing babies and harming women as “healthcare” and empowerment. These days it seems there’s endless artists, even those with a huge fanbase of young girls, celebrating abortion as some kind of a natural right. Here are the Top Offenders Arianna Grande — in
After Killing a Woman in May, Alabama Abortion Facility is Still at Large
Jessica Nardi | September 1, 2020
When a woman died shortly after leaving an abortion facility in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, concerned citizens and pro-life groups called for an investigation. That was on May 7, and the facility still hasn’t faced any scrutiny. “SFLA is calling for a full investigation of West Alabama Women’s Center in Tuscaloosa, following the tragic loss of life reported,” said Students for
Pro-Life Student Faces STORM of Pro-Abortion Hatred on Facebook
Brenna Lewis | August 31, 2020
My name is Angelique, and I am an artist, activist, writer, graphic designer, entrepreneur, and a senior at the University of Nevada Las Vegas, studying journalism. I am the president of UNLV Rebels for Life, and have been an activist in the pro-life movement since I was 14. I officially launched Life Dress ( in April 2019, after painting
My First-Hand Encounter with “Peaceful Protesters” in D.C.
Kristan Hawkins | August 28, 2020
Last night, I was honored with an invitation to join President Trump at the White House to watch him give his acceptance speech at the RNC. To be honest with you, I debated whether my presence really mattered. I had to drive from Pittsburgh and immediately drive home, meaning 8 hours in the car. But I had a feeling I
Liberal Media Worships Women (Unless They’re Pro-Life)
Brenna Lewis | August 27, 2020
After the conclusion of the Democratic National Convention, everyone took note of how the topic of abortion was conveniently side-stepped for the entirety of the event. Perhaps DNC speakers finally saw the statistic that only 7% of millennials agree with their abortion platform? Either way, the same could not be said for the Republican National Convention, where multiple speakers
Another Video Exposing Planned Parenthood Was Just Released – And It’s a Doozy
Brenna Lewis | August 26, 2020
Most of the country, both pro-life and pro-choice alike, remember back in 2015 when David Daleiden and his Center for Medical Progress (CMP) began releasing their undercover videos of Planned Parenthood officials discussing the sale of fetal body parts. Pro-life undercover journalists in California had gathered hours of footage exposing how the abortion giant profits from the sale of
Kristan Hawkins on Family Talk Podcast: Mobilizing the Pro-Life Generation
Jessica Nardi | August 24, 2020
SFLA’s president Kristan Hawkins was interviewed on the Dr. James Dobson’s Family Talk podcast to discuss Mobilizing the Pro-life Generation. You can listen to the full episode here. Dr. Tim Clinton spoke with Hawkins about her life and work with SFLA, and how to equip the Pro-Life Generation to take on a culture with a message of hope and life.
Kamala Harris’s Sterile DNC Acceptance Speech Masks a Very Pro-Abortion Agenda
Jessica Nardi | August 21, 2020
Vice Presidential candidate Kamala Harris officially accepted her position at the Democratic National Convention, assuring voters of her support for women and children. But these words mask a cruel and misguided (at best) agenda of fully legalizing and radicalizing abortion. Let’s read between the lines. For the full text of her acceptance speech, click here. Harris: I’ve fought for