Category: Middle School
Texas Abortion Facility CLOSES After 36 Years!
Brenna Lewis | September 25, 2020
After a 36-year long reign of human destruction, Hilltop Women’s Reproductive Clinic in El Paso has finally been shut down. This victory is thanks in part to the local Southwest Coalition for Life who had a consistently strong pro-life presence outside the facility. Local Students for Life leader Marcos Lares reflected: Already, the building is up for sale and
The Original Feminists Were Pro-Life. Why Does This Matter?
Lily Gilliland | September 25, 2020
Whenever entering into a potentially controversial conversation, it is important to define our terms to avoid misunderstanding. “Feminism” is one of those abstract concepts that everyone seems to have a different definition for. This leads us to become more wrapped up in semantics rather than focusing on the issue at hand. Feminism as defined by the handy-dandy Merriam Webster Dictionary
SFLA Helps Collect 150k Signatures to Ban Late-Term Abortions in Colorado
Jessica Nardi | September 25, 2020
A group of Colorado doctors, aided by Students of Life Action, have successfully collected enough signatures to launch Proposition 115–a new ballot initiative that would ban late-term abortions in the state of Colorado. No such restrictions currently exist, meaning babies in Colorado can be aborted up until the moment of birth. This proposition would ban abortion after 22 weeks
The Stakes Could Not Be Higher in this Election
Brenna Lewis | September 24, 2020
Voters cannot depend on the Democratic Party to communicate its egregious position on abortion. If people knew, most would reject such an agenda. Democrats keep quiet because the stakes are so high, for both parties. The Democratic Party, with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris at the top of the ticket, supports abortion on demand, for any reason, and paid
‘Catholics for Biden:’ Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing
Jessica Nardi | September 24, 2020
Joe Biden’s presidential campaign represents the most pro-abortion ticket in history, and he’s assembled a group of pro-abortion politicians to sell his views as acceptable to Catholics. They call themselves “Catholics for Biden” but there’s just one problem — it’s against Catholic doctrine to support abortion in any form. In fact, politicians who promote abortion are forbidden from receiving communion,
Abortion Does Not Cure COVID – Vatican Condemns UN’s Response as “Deeply Concerning”
Jessica Nardi | September 21, 2020
The Vatican is responding to the United Nations’ recently released resolution on the COVID-19 pandemic” which included “reproductive rights” as a top priority. The UN “[c]alls upon States to take all measures necessary to ensure the right of women and girls to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health, including sexual and reproductive health, and reproductive rights,”
Kamala Harris Alludes to Joe Biden as a Puppet President
Jessica Nardi | September 21, 2020
At a campaign event in Tampa, Florida, Democratic vice-presidential candidate Kamala Harris referred to the ticket as the “Harris administration with Joe Biden as President.” What might seem like a silly gaffe, is either a Freudian slip or a dog-whistle to audiences that fear Joe Biden isn’t a competent choice for president. If it’s the former, Harris thinks that
New High School Students for Life Group is Receiving DEATH THREATS for Existing
Brenna Lewis | September 18, 2020
In New York, a brand-new Students for Life group has just started at Wallkill High School. They are led by a great group of girls, the groups is fully official with the school, and they have an advisor. Seems like beginning and end of story, no? Nope, not at a public high school in New York. Since someone (*ahem* Planned
Vice Thinks We’re Racist for Saying “Black Preborn Lives Matter”
Brenna Lewis | September 18, 2020
This week, Vice took notice of pro-life efforts (Students for Life in particular) to draw attention to the racial implications of abortion given our country’s current climate. The critique is truly delicious. In essence, the thesis is that we are racist for promoting our “Black Preborn Lives Matter” campaign. From the word go, Vice doesn’t like us. That’s definitely
Margaret Sanger’s Very Racist Buddy: Lothrop Stoddard
Brenna Lewis | September 18, 2020
Somehow, there are still some abortion supporters and Planned Parenthood spokespeople who insist that Planned Parenthood’s founder, Margaret Sanger, wasn’t a racist eugenicist who wanted to exterminate “inferior races.” This is, of course, despite her extensive writing on the subject and speeches at KKK rallies. But she’s not the only villain in Planned Parenthood’s history of racist tyranny. If it takes