The Vatican is responding to the United Nations’ recently released resolution on the COVID-19 pandemic” which included “reproductive rights” as a top priority.
The UN “[c]alls upon States to take all measures necessary to ensure the right of women and girls to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health, including sexual and reproductive health, and reproductive rights,” the UN’s declaration reads.
It’s this pairing of “reproductive rights and healthcare” — a typical coded way of referencing abortion access — that the Vatican felt the need to correct.
“We do not accept references to ‘sexual and reproductive health,’ ‘sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights,’ or other language that suggests or explicitly states that access to legal abortion is necessarily included in the more general terms ‘health services’ or ‘health care services’ in particular contexts concerning women,” said Vatican representative Archbishop Gabriele Caccia.
Caccia added that “the Holy See reiterates that it considers the phrase ‘reproductive health’ and related terms as applying to a holistic concept of health, which embraces the person in the entirety of his or her personality, mind and body.” This includes both mothers and preborn lives.
The fanaticism of abortion advocates, meanwhile, is particularly on display in that they’ll use anything to sell death, even the crisis of a major pandemic that has cost too many lives already.
The UN calls for “ensuring universal access to such systems and services” in regards to abortion access during the pandemic. This move follows the decisions of countries like the UK to expand abortion access, treating it like emergency medical provisions.
But abortion clearly does not cure COVID. In fact, the UK’s concessions to make chemical abortions more available during the pandemic utterly failed when women like Courtney Barnes who suffered severe pain and bleeding from the widely advertised “DIY abortions.”
The fact that Planned Parenthood and other abortion facilities are allowed to operate while life-sustaining treatments like cancer screenings were put on hold to prioritize COVID patients is disturbing since abortion doesn’t save lives – it ends them.
This is blatant disrespect for the seriousness of the pandemic, of motherhood, and of life itself.
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