Category: Featured

Medical Journal: Babies May Be Able To Feel Pain As Early As Twelve Weeks
Brenna Lewis | January 21, 2020
A new paper in the Journal of Medical Ethics is bound to spark new debates over limits on abortion. The paper expands on the previously held belief that preborn babies could begin to feel pain around twenty-weeks; this paper posits that it is possible for preborn babies to feel pain as early as twelve weeks. The authors of the paper are not
United Kingdom ‘Guerrilla’ Newspaper Criticizes Pro-Life Student Group For Running Facebook Ads
Brenna Lewis | January 21, 2020
A pro-life group in the United Kingdom, Birmingham Students for Life is under criticism a student-run newspaper call “The Tab” for doing the unthinkable; running Facebook ads to promote an event on why assisted suicide should be opposed., which bills itself as, “a site covering youth culture and student culture” and is run by a “guerilla army of bold

Stop Pretending ‘Scientists’ Are Always Ethical
Brenna Lewis | January 20, 2020
Out of the field of medical research this week comes two very different stories that highlight two very different approaches to ethics. In America, the Trump administration has imposed restrictions on research using fetal tissue. In Mexico, researchers are paying women to get pregnant then abort… for science, of course. Both of these stories deserve some unpacking. Fetal Tissue Research

Pro-Life Delegates Pin On Baby Socks To Show Support For Abolishing Abortion
Brenna Lewis | January 20, 2020
Last Friday, Students for Life Action and the Virginia Family Foundation brought around 20 students and adults to Richmond to talk to legislators about the importance of prohibiting abortion, fixing the foster care system, and promoting adoption. They were able to have their work highlighted by two state delegates, Nick Freitas and John McGuire, who work our baby socks on
Pro-Life Groups Urge Nancy Pelosi To Allow Vote On Ending Infanticide
Brenna Lewis | January 20, 2020
MEDIA ADVISORY: Staunton Public Policy Center “Purple Sash Revolution” to hold media event outside Speaker Pelosi’s Office on Wednesday, January 22nd to call for vote on bill to end infanticide. WASHINGTON D.C. (01-20-2020) - Students for Life of America, the nation’s largest pro-life youth organization, will be speaking alongside the Staunton Public Policy Center and various other pro-life organizations on Wednesday Jan. 22 at 11 a.m. to call

VICTORY! Pro-Life Generation Crashes Pro-Abortion Women’s March
Brenna Lewis | January 18, 2020
“While we might not have been invited, the Pro-Life Generation came out anyway, crashing at the head of the line for all women – born and pre-born. The Women’s March claims to stand for ‘ending violence’ yet supports the violence of abortion and ignores the convictions of more than half of all women who believe that women in the womb are important,

The Essential National Pro-Life March Checklist
Brenna Lewis | January 18, 2020
Heading to the National Pro-Life March in Washington, D.C. is a big deal! For many, it’s a long trip that is the culmination of months of planning. With it right around the corner, we wanted to help make your journey a little easier. Here is… the essential 2020 National Pro-Life March Checklist! What to Pack! The weather in Washington, D.C.

Students for Life Group Witnesses a Baby SAVED in Washington
Brenna Lewis | January 17, 2020
This year, Students for Life of America started our TALK program through which we challenge students to reach over 250,000 conversations about abortion in the 2019-2020 school year. That’s 1 million minutes of conversations, changing hearts and minds! There are so many conversations a person can have about abortion and these conversations can introduce opportunities to help women and save lives. Just

Students for Life Will be at These Pro-Life Marches THIS Weekend!
Brenna Lewis | January 16, 2020
Did you know that, in addition to the National National Pro-Life March in Washington, D.C, there are dozens of other large-scale events that happen nationwide every January? And you can find Students for Life at just about all of them. Hopefully, we already saw you if you were at the Denver, Charlotte, or Chicago events! January is the month for

Medical Researchers Carry Out Unethical Research On Young, Mexican Women
Brenna Lewis | January 16, 2020
Recently, NPR publicized the results of a highly-unethical study conducted by researchers seeking to test the safety of IVF. NPR notes, “Researchers have conducted a controversial study that involved paying dozens of young women at a hospital near Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, to get artificially inseminated so their embryos could be flushed out of their bodies and analyzed for research purposes.”