Kristan Hawkins’ RealClear Politics Op-ed About Polling Makes One Thing Clear: Young Voters Don’t Support Abortion Extremism 

Jordan Estabrook - 28 Jan 2025

The poll results released from the Demetree Institute for Pro-Life Advancement conducted by Survey USA and YouGov show clearly that abortion is not what the majority of registered Gen Z and Millennial voters want more of from our new political leadership. In a recent RealClear Politics op-ed, Students for Life of America (SFLA) President Kristan Hawkins broke down this groundbreaking poll showing pro-life wins among young voters who don’t consider themselves pro-life.  

Key findings highlighted in an in-depth poll note:  

  • Almost 7 in 10 support some limits on abortion. (67% to 33% — UP FROM 65% IN 2024). 
  • MORE than 3 in 10 Youth Voters (31%) “would be MORE WILLING to accept limits” if families got the help they need. 
  • LESS THAN 1 in 10 (9%) supported the Democratic Party Agenda of abortion without limits, through all 9 months, up to and including infanticide for a baby born during a botched abortion. (To note, the Democratic Party Presidential ticket included Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, who stopped abortion reporting in his state after it was reported that at least eight babies were allowed to die following botched abortions.) 
  • Human Rights for Human Beings begin early: 6 in 10 said human rights begin while a child is still in the womb. Only 2% said rights begin when a court says so. ONLY 25% said human rights begin after birth.  
  • Chemical Abortion Pill efforts to protect lives, fertility, and the environment are wildly popular with younger voters, with more than 9 in 10 embracing protections. 

Read an excerpt from Hawkins’ op-ed: 

“…those supporting the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act should have won by a landslide. Almost nine in 10 youth voters believe that a baby born during a botched abortion should receive help, and nearly seven in 10 (66%) wanted 911 to be called if the aborted child was born alive. 

Pain mattered to a generation raised seeing their brothers and sisters’ ultrasound pictures. It’s not the age of a child in the womb, but their experience that counted.  When asked about support for abortion limits if a baby would experience pain, if neither the baby nor the mother’s life were in danger, 63% would accept limits on abortion at 12.5 weeks (just three months), while 66% would accept limits at 24 weeks. Without any caveats, half would accept limits on abortion when a preborn child would experience pain, at any age in the womb. 

Providing more support for families was welcomed. More than three in 10 youth voters (31%)  “would be more willing to accept limits” if families got the help they need. Even 28% of those who want political candidates to be in favor of abortion access would be more willing to accept laws with limits if vital services were available.” 


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