Finland’s recent statistics on abortion revealed Chemical Abortion Pills make up a shocking 99% of abortions in Finland. Professor Oskari Heikinheimo, Chief Physician of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Helsinki and Uusimaa Hospital District (HUS), one of Finland’s largest hospital districts, reported these findings this month as Finland’s healthcare recommends chemical abortion “over surgical termination.” Finland is America’s stark future if we continue on this deadly path.

It’s hard to think Chemical Abortion Pills are to blame for all abortions in Finland through Chemical Abortion Pills, but these statistics don’t lie. In America, it should bring a shiver down the spine of every freedom-loving and life-affirming American. Currently, these deadly pills make up 63% of all abortions in America. Still, the percentage is likely higher than what the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute reveals, given that we have no National Abortion Reporting Law. However, we can trust Finland’s numbers due to their rigorous efforts to report every abortion through an AB 4 Form submitted to the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare.
At this rate, more lives have been lost, starved, and expelled out of their mothers’ wombs, only to be flushed into a watery grave moments later. More women and girls have been coerced and forced into abortion by abusers thanks to unregulated mail-in abortion rings.
READ: Police Dog Steps Up as a Preborn Baby’s Best Friend, Sniffs Out Illegal Chemical Abortion Pills
Sadly, due to copious human remains that not even hospitals would put into our sewers, there will be water pollution and PFAS, also known as “forever chemicals.”
But just like America, Finland didn’t get to a near-total chemical abortion wave overnight. As early as 1996, research suggested a decline in induced/surgical abortion since 1973, though the study indicates it could have been because of a lack of data. We can confidently confirm that an inevitable decline occurred in Finland in staggering numbers over 50 years.

America follows the same path. Chemical abortions are over half of abortions (likely more), but only a decade ago, chemical abortions were 31% of all abortions, showing the number has doubled in only ten years. Even with the FDA’s approval of these deadly drugs in 2000, chemical abortion only made up 6% of abortions. But one thing is clear: the FDA’s erroneous decision to rubber stamp Chemical Abortion Pills in 2000 was the door to “fast and discreet” preborn death through pills. If we go back even further, Roe v. Wade opened the castle gates. Imagine where we’ll be in another 10.
Finland mirrors America, also legalizing abortion in the 1970s, but still a few steps ahead of America in terms of seeing the consequences. Finland’s birth rate is the lowest since 1776, with a 1.32 birth rate, while America’s birth rate is not far behind at 1.67 after steadily decreasing for years. These numbers are below the 2.1 replacement rate it takes to keep a society thriving. This barely touches the amount of physical and mental harm chemical abortion causes women, not to mention their fertility health.

Now, the obvious answer is to prohibit these pills outright. They’re not as “safe and effective” as abortion pundits claim. Saying it doesn’t make it accurate. It’s time to start telling the truth about not just abortion but the beauty of life. In addition to kissing Chemical Abortion Pills goodbye on a legislative level, we have to warmly embrace life, motherhood, fatherhood, and the nuclear family.
It’s not too late for America and countries like Finland to change course. However, the global pro-life movement must make a considerate effort to educate, advocate, and legislate on the grassroots and national levels, something that Students for Life of America (SFLA) is acting on. Otherwise, the future is Finland.
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