Before Sally Field Played Beloved Aunt May in Spiderman, She Was a Post-Abortive Mother

Jordan Estabrook - 09 Oct 2024

Before Sally Field’s career took off in the 1980s or before she became the beloved Aunt May from the “Amazing Spiderman” trilogy, she was first a post-abortive mother.  


In a recent Entertainment Weekly article covering Field’s Instagram endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris, what was meant to be a rubber stamp on “reproductive freedom” from Field comes across as a tragic story of a young woman who needed real help, not an abortion.  

At the age of 17 in the 1950s, before Roe v. Wade was ever decided, Field was driven by a family doctor and his wife to get an illegal abortion in Tijuana. Clutching an envelope of cash, she went to a sketchy building, where she had virtually no anesthesia and was molested by the abortionist during the procedure. What Field describes is unimaginable and haunting, which is Field’s implied reasoning for why abortions should be legal so back-alley abortions cease to exist.  

“Pay attention to this election,” Field said in her Instagram video. “We can’t go back.” 

Field’s horrific experience serves as a reminder that back-alley abortions still exist. It may not be in Tijuana in a burning building, but they exist by way of Chemical Abortion Pills.

LEARN MORE: This Is Chemical Abortion | Stop Chemical Abortion

When women are given the two-drug regimen, which first starves the baby and the second pill expels the baby’s body, it’s often done when they’re alone with no medical supervision. Women are left alone to suffer through physical symptoms like chills, fever, blood clots, uncontrollable movements, and more. After the abortion is complete and they’ve finished flushing their child down the toilet, the mental toll of depression, suicidal ideation, anxiety, and PTSD can be a life-long battle.  

Despite her impassioned plea to defend abortion, like many women, Field admits she’s “very ashamed about it.” The Charlotte Lozier Institute (CLI) reports similar research, reporting the following:  

“Approximately one in four women reported a history of abortion (similar to the national average), and 91% completed the survey – almost three times the participation rate of the famous “Turnaway Study” conducted by an abortion advocacy group, which purported to find almost universal satisfaction with the decision to abort, despite also finding high levels of regret, sadness, guilt and anger.” 

While it’s good that Field is sharing her story about the horrors of abortion, the reality is that Field was a young girl who needed care and help from the community, a Pregnancy Help Center (PHC), or a local church, and not a back-alley abortionist. More abortions, especially more chemical abortions, means more young girls and women will suffer alone. 

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