Vice President Kamala Harris finally emerged from hiding to do media rounds with the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) and Oprah Winfrey to campaign for president. With the tragic story of a Georgia mom and her preborn twins dying from Chemical Abortion Pills, Harris’ abortion comments have caught the eye of football coach legend and first Black head coach to be inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame Tony Dungy, who publicly challenged her flawed logic.

Harris has boldly stood for killing the preborn and more blasphemously evoking religion and faith to do so. She recently wrote the following on X (formerly known as Twitter):
“One does not have to abandon their faith or deeply held beliefs to agree: The government, and certainly Donald Trump, should not be telling a woman what to do with her body.”
As a self-professed man of faith himself, Dungy thoughtfully challenged her assertion, writing on X:
“Dear VP Harris: I hear you make this statement all the time. Exactly what ‘faith’ are you talking about when you say you don’t have to abandon it to support abortion? Are you talking about the Christian faith that says all babies are made in the image of God (Gen 1:26), that God places them in the womb (Jer 1:5) and that we should not take any life unjustly (Luke 18:20)?
“Are you talking about that faith or some nebulous, general ‘faith’ that says we’re good enough, and smart enough to make our own decisions? What ‘faith’ are you talking about?” (Emphasis added)
Dungy asks thought-provoking questions with an obvious answer. The “faith” Harris refers to is faith in oneself and one’s own concept of what’s right and wrong according to one’s own desires and wants.
So, if a preborn child is not desired or wanted, it should be aborted, according to Harris.
By “trusting women,” she means allowing women to get rid of their child for whatever reason and at ANY time – after all, she refuses to name a single limit on abortion that she supports, including in her debate with former President Donald Trump and with NABJ when asked if she supported abortion up to nine months.
Harris and her abortion supporters put faith in themselves, using their euphemisms to twist the Bible into their twisted abortion religion. Though formed as questions, Dungy’s tweet communicates that faith belongs to people of faith, including Christianity.
He affirms the personhood of the preborn as “Made in the Image of God,” not merely a “clump of cells.”
He affirms that life starts in the womb, being knit together inside their mother.
He also affirms that justice does come from those who take life unjustly, including those who champion killing children.
This isn’t the first time Dungy has spoken out when the culture and mainstream media are against him. In his 1989-90 coaching the Chiefs, he chose to pray with his team even though he was told not to. When Roe v. Wade was reversed, Dungy praised the reversal. According to Fox News, he stated:
“It was one of the most uplifting things for me that I’ve ever been a part of, going to that march in Washington for life.”
It’s part of what makes Dungy remarkable. Not only is he a legendary coach, but he’s also made it his goal to champion what he believes outside of football. In this case, it’s preborn life, and he politely and truthfully challenged the current Vice President on her flawed logic and twisting of faith.
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