The Birth Control Boogieman is Bogus: Politicians Want You Distracted from the Death of the Preborn

Jordan Estabrook - 03 Jun 2024

Abortion-advocating politicians play the “look over here, but not there” game when it comes to downplaying abortion’s abhorrent consequences. Under the umbrella of women’s rights, politicians spew distracting and inflated narratives, which now include Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer claiming Former President Donald Trump wants to ban contraceptives.  

“I am very, very worried that if Donald Trump prevails, he will appoint more MAGA judges to the Supreme Court against the right to choose,” Schumer said, according to a CBS News report.  

Schumer’s comments come from Trump’s interview on a local Pittsburgh TV station. When asked if he would ban contraception, he responded, “We’re looking at that, and I’m going to have a policy on that very shortly, and I think it’s something that you’ll find interesting.”  

He’s since walked back his nondefinitive comments on the issue, saying in a Truth Social post he would “never ban contraceptives,” but it’s too late now. Schumer and his Democrat colleagues have held on like rabid dogs who won’t let go. And why should they? Drop the buzzwords “Trump” and “women’s rights,” and instantly, the media goes into a frenzy.  

It seems Trump’s comments and the timing of their newest bill couldn’t be better. Less than a month after Roe was reversed, Rep. Kathy Manning introduced the Right to Contraception Act, which would enshrine birth control as a right. This week, Schumer’s putting it to a vote in the Senate, continuing his attack on Trump and Republicans to “get them on the record” of where they stand with birth control. 

That’s the point, though: they make abortion a throwaway issue by overemphasizing women’s rights and undermining human life through the “pro-choice” narrative, as well as attacking political opponents and religious groups in the process.  

To start unpacking the bogus birth control lie around accessibility, we must ask ourselves two simple questions: Is birth control less accessible now than before, and are there any laws threatening it? 

If anything, it’s quite the opposite. As of February 2024, there are 259 different types of birth control. The World Health Organization (WHO) reported in 2023 that “Between 2000 and 2020, the number of women using a modern contraceptive method increased from 663 million to 851 million. An additional 70 million women are projected to be added by 2030.” This significant jump reflects more birth control access and brands, not less. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires insurance companies to cover birth control.  

“Medicare and Medicaid cover it. Title X [the federal family planning program] focuses on it. And for years we’ve been sold the apparently false narrative that Planned Parenthood somehow had this under control,” said Kristi Hamrick, Students for Life of America’s vice president for media and policy, to The Hill. “Can we get our almost $700 million back from Planned Parenthood if they dropped that ball?” 

Many online services, including Planned Parenthood, are providing birth control with an online doctor’s visit without insurance. As SFLA reported earlier this year, Opill, a nonprescription birth control, will start selling at $19.99 per pack, and while it is “accessible,” it’s also “accessible” and empowering to sexual abusers. Far too much excess of contraceptives, that is, no safeguards whatsoever, is generally unsafe for women in vulnerable situations with abusive men. But, we digress.  

It’s critical to do an examination of the laws that make birth control possible. The “right to contraception” is protected by U.S. Supreme Court Case, Eisenstadt v. Baird (1972), which allows unmarried people the same access to contraception as those who are married. Even if Trump was as dead set on eliminating contraceptives from the general American population, it’s highly improbable, daresay impossible, to veto the ruling from the highest court in the land. So, Schumer’s introduction of the Right to Contraceptive Act is a political show – America already has one, whether Democrats, moderates, Republicans, or anyone in between likes it or not.  

It is also worth noting that abortion advocates want to claim extremism for those opposing abortion – that they would go so far as to ban contraception, which, in their understanding, isn’t even abortion.  

Unfortunately, abortifacients exist within some forms of birth control, as even has admitted, which include:  

  • Oral contraceptives (birth control pills) 
  • Intra-uterine devices (IUDs), both copper & hormonal 
  • Hormonal patches 
  • Hormonal shots 
  • Hormonal implants 
  • Hormonal vaginal rings 
  • Plan B (emergency contraceptive) and off-brand equivalents 

When it comes to policy, SFLA does not engage in most policy debates related to hormonal contraception. However, we discuss the medical facts, address birth control concerns, and dispel birth control narratives that cloud the issue of abortion and protect the abortion industry.  

And not merely about the abortion industry but topical focuses that distract from the issue: that millions upon millions of babies have died at the hands of the greed and selfishness of the abortion industry – their breaths are snuffed out before they can feel their mother’s loving grip. 

Pew Research Center Reports that in 2021, the CDC “found there were 625,978 abortions in the District of Columbia and the 46 states with available data that year, up from 597,355 in those states and D.C. in 2020. The corresponding figure for 2019 was 607,720.” However, since there’s no national abortion reporting law, the number may very well be higher.

Schumer and his progressive pals want voters to forget the moral heaviness of abortion, which takes the lives of preborn children through starvation from Chemical Abortion Pills or dismemberment through surgical abortion. Instead, citizens attack each other and rage tweet against politicians rather than discuss abortion. Schumer’s killing two birds with one stone: attacking Trump as a tyrant but also attacking Catholics or anyone else who opposes birth control. It is a two-pronged political and personal attack through the birth control boogieman. 

So, as the Right to Contraception Act is voted on in the Senate this week, don’t be distracted. 

The death of the preborn is the real issue.  Birth control is just the boogieman.

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